A-Number refers to the Alien Registration Number. Aside from A-Number, it is also known as Alien Number or USCIS Number. This one is described as a seven-to nine-digit number that is given by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the former INS to most immigrants who apply to live in the United States. It is used by USCIS to track the immigration filed for immigrants and some non-immigrants. Aside from that, it is also an important thing when preparing new USCIS forms to request immigration benefits.
If you are an immigrant who applies to live in the United States, you have to keep in mind that you’re a-Number is very important. That’s why you should know how to identify it. The good news is that this number is easy to find. It can be found in different documents. One of the documents that you can check to find your A-Number is Permanent Resident Card or green card. So, for anyone who has a green card, you can find such a number on the card.
Where can you find A-Number on your green card?
For the Permanent Resident Card or green card holders whose cards issued after May 10, 2010, your A-Number is the same as the USCIS number. You can find it on the front side of the green card. The location of the number is next to your photo. Apart from that, the number can also be seen on the back of the green card. Your A-Number is listed as “000-001-001” below USCIS#. As for the older green cards that were issued between 2004 and 2010, the number is listed as “000-000-000” next to “A#”.
So, what is your A-Number? If it is fewer than nine digits, you can add a zero after the “A” and before the first digit in order to create a nine-digit number. For instance, if your A-Number is 12345678, then your number can be A012345678 after adding a zero after the “A” and before the first digit.
It should be easy for you to find your A-Number on your green card. In case you have a hard time finding you’re a-Number on your green card, you forgot where you place your green card but you have to know you’re A-Number as soon as possible, or if you don’t have a green card, you may be able to find you’re A-Number on other immigrations documents such as Employment Authorization Document (EAD) or work permit, Immigrant Visa, Notice of Action, Immigrant Data Summary, or Immigrant Fee Handout. On the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) or work permit, your A-Number is the same as the USCIS number. On the Immigrant Visa, it is called the Registration Number and can be seen on the front of the card. On some versions of the Notice of Action, the number is located in the top right of the document and next to USCIS#. On the Immigrant Data Summary, it is located at the top of the document, below the name of the document and the date.
A bookworm and researcher especially related to law and citizenship education. I spend time every day in front of the internet and the campus library.