What Should I Do When I’m About to Go to Prison, Maybe for a Long Time, and My Parents Are Old?

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After being convicted of a crime, you’ll have to serve a prison sentence for the time determined by the court. However, there may be circumstances that make it very hard for you to get through a prison sentence, such as the fact that your parents are old – simultaneously, you’ll be in prison for a long time.

If the situation happens to you, you may really get confused as to what you should do. Whatever the reason, on the other hand, you really need to receive a prison sentence for a crime you’ve committed that harmed others.

a dad hug his son inmate

Thus, there are some important things you can do about the fact that you need to go to prison and your parents are old. To know what you should do, let’s dive into our post below!

Here are What You Should Do to Your Parents Before Going to the Prison!

Accepting the fact that you must go to prison for a long time is really a heavy blow for your parents. Even though you’ve made a fatal mistake, even if you have to be imprisoned, your parents will still love you and care for you.

To cure your parents’ disappointment and keep them safe while you’re in prison, there are a number of things you should do before you have to go to prison. Here they are:

Apologies to Your Parents

Your parent’s disappointment may be great and immeasurable when you make a mistake and should go to prison. But with your sincerity in apologizing, it can be medicine for their hearts to accept reality. Make sure to give them both a hug and tell them how sorry you are. If they comment for what you have committed, accept their comments and don’t fight back.

Tell Your Parents that’s Your Fault

When your parents are getting old, all they want is to see you happy and well-behaved. If you behave negatively to the fact that you need to go to prison, it’s really a big blow for them. Without you realizing it, your parents will likely feel that they have failed in educating and parenting you.

With those thoughts of your parents, it may lead them to get stressful and painful. To avoid it, you definitely need to tell them what has happened is entirely your fault—not your parents’. Therefore, your parents will not bear themselves up and make it better for them.

Promise to Keep in Touch with Them

To bring down your parents’ disappointment, you need to promise to write and call them a lot from prison. Even though communication with your parents will go bad for the first few months, you have to keep showing that you care about them.

To make it easier for you to send a letter to your parents, you may need to get everyone’s address and phone numbers.

Entrust Your Parents to Other Family Members You Trust

If your parents are old and may not be able to carry out his own needs, you can ask other members you trust to care for your parents. If they are willing, you can ask them to tell you whatever happened to your parents, like getting sick. So, you can still get information about your parents.

Ask the Court to Imprison You Near Your Parents

Although it may be possible, you can try to ask the court to imprison you near your parents. During the process of investigation, there will be a stage where you can tell your story – that’s your big opportunity. If your request is approved, you can see each other as often as possible.

Spend Time with Your Parents

The day before going to jail, you need to spend more time with your parents. This moment is your chance to strengthen your bond with your parents. There is no doubt that your parents need explanations about what you have committed and support about where their children are – it’s you!

Okay, these are some things you should do if you need to go to prison and leave your parents, who are getting older. During your prison sentence, you have to start establishing your plan for your new life after you are released to get better. Make sure to draw close yourself to God.

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