What is the Most Frightening Experience in Prison?

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Living in a prison may be frightening. You cannot sleep in your comfortable bed, live with some other criminals, eat bad meals and many more. However, among these frightening experiences, which one is the most frightening experience in prison? If this question is asked to a prisoner, the answer may vary.

a prisoner feels fear in prison

If you wonder what the answers to the question are, here are some most frightening experiences in a prison according to some sources.

  • Someone named Paul Senni in Quora told that the most frightening experience in prison was finding a fact that anyone could end up in prison. This person was not a prisoner, but he became an interpreter for inmates for some time. Previously, he thought that prisoners were bad or evil people. However, after he spent there as an interpreter, he saw that many of them are good people where they did their daily life well until they made a simple wrong turn that made their life different.
  • There is also Paul Owen who also shared his story in Quora where he became a prison officer. While he was in the prison as a prison officer, the most frightening thing was when he worked in the segregation unit where he saw a skinny prisoner with hardly any muscles at all. The prisoner consumed some sort of drug and he saw the astounding effects. And then, he saw that the prisoner managed to smash the solid porcelain toilet and then he used the biggest part for breaking down the cell door. Because of the drug that he consumed, he could be able to open half of the top part of the cell door where he did it for several hours.
  • Vernie Seidel in the same platform told that this person saw a guy jump off the top tier where he had two sheets tied together where one end around his neck the other around the rail on the top tier.
  • Brian Wilstermann told that the most frightening moment as a prisoner was after he signed for his time. Before he went to the prison, he looked into his wife’s eyes and he saw that her eyes were frightened. After getting permission from the officer, then he embraced her wife and while he was embracing her, he did not know when he could hug her again and even he did not know whether he could meet her again or not. That moment became his worst thing because he would be locked up and he was forced to separate from his wife for a long time. The thing that he could say was that he loved her and he would be home soon.
  • Mac Tatum in Quora told that the most frightening experience when he was in prison was when he was in the general population in Pelican Bay State and there they had a Black vs Mexican riot. Why was it frightening? It is because there was no one on their side and almost every Mexican had a knife on that day. However, since he usually carried a knife, then he felt alright. Then, he pulled his knife out and he protected himself with small injuries, but there were a lot of them that were not prepared and then they were stabbed up badly. The condition was chaotic and it happened around 20 minutes.

Those are some of the most frightening experiences according to some people on some sources where these stories are based on their real experiences.

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