What is a Non-DOT Drug Test?

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Drug tests are usually required when applying for a job. And even in some companies, drug tests are conducted regularly or in a certain condition to make sure that their employees are free from abusing drugs so that any safety issues in the workplace can be prevented. Talking about drug testing, have you ever heard about a non-DOT drug test? What is it? Here is what you need to know about a non-DOT drug test.

What is a Non-DOT Drug Test?

A non-DOT drug test is a drug test which is managed under the authority of an employer. One of the differences between a DOT drug test and a non-DOT drug test is that a DOT drug test is provided by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Meanwhile, a non-DOT drug test is used by companies that are not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. A non-DOT drug test has no authority setting regulations so that non-DOT drug test is broader where employers have more options about the methods for drug tests. So, we can say that if a company is in the transportation industry, it will use a DOT drug test, but if a company is not in the transportation industry, it will use a non-DOT drug test.

Non-DOT Drug Test

The DOT uses a 5-panel drug test where it looks for five drugs including Cocaine, PCP, Cannabis, Opioids, and Amphetamines. Meanwhile, non-DOT can use any options where it can use a 4-panel, 8-panel, 10-panel, 12-panel or any other options which means that this test can look for any drugs. In a non-DOT drug test, simpler tests or even more comprehensive tests can be conducted.

Compared to DOT drug tests, non-DOT drug tests are less strict. Nevertheless, as explained on the Affordable Rapid Testing, non-DOT drug test still adheres to some legal guidelines, for example, employers need to inform the employees first before applying and ask them to sign a consent form.

What Situations Are Needed for Non-DOT Drug Tests?

As explained on the Drug Free Business Solutions, usually, a non-DOT drug test is needed in situations such as post-accident, applying for a job, post-rehabilitation, routine fitness-for-duty testing, random drug test, probationary drug test and reasonable suspicion.

There are a number of reasons why employers require their employees or their prospective employees to take drug tests.

  • To find out whether the employees or prospective employees are abusing substances.
  • To find out whether they are using drugs recently.
  • To find out whether they are on medication which is prescribed.
  • To find out whether they are abusing or using illegal drugs.

Finding out whether they are consuming drugs or not is important so that employers can make sure that their employees or prospective employees are in a good condition for working where they are not under the influence of drugs.

The Forms of Non-DOT Drug Tests

As explained earlier, in non-DOT drug tests, any drugs can be detected. For testing, the sample which is needed depends on the form of non-DOT drug test that is chosen. Here are the forms of non-DOT drug tests.

  • Urine Test

If a urine test is chosen, it means that employees need to collect the sample in the form of urine where it will be taken to a lab. And for your information, this test is the most common drug tests in DOT and non-DOT drug tests.

  • Saliva Test

Saliva tests can only detect substances that are used within 72 hours. The sample is taken directly from the individual’s mouth.

  • Hair Test

In this test, the sample which is needed is hair follicles. This test can detect drugs that were taken within 3 months. Nevertheless, this test is seldom used if we compare it to urine and saliva tests. This test takes longer to analyze and it is also expensive.

  • Breathalyzer Test

This test detects the presence of alcohol in someone’s bloodstream. It is done by measuring the person’s breath. So, the sample which is needed in this test is a breath where it is taken by asking the person to strongly blow into the mouthpiece of a device for 4 seconds. This test is sometimes taken together with the non-DOT drug test.

  • Blood Test

Blood test is another expensive drug test beside hair test. In this test, a blood sample is needed. This test has a very short detection window.

Among these forms, urine tests are the most common drug test.

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