What Happens During a Wellness Check by Police?

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It is always interesting to talk about police wellness checks as there are a lot of interesting stories. If you are new to a police wellness check but you just started to get interested in it, you may be curious about what happens during a police wellness check. So, what actually happens during a police wellness check?

Wellness Check by Police

There are a few things that will happen during a police wellness check. In general, all of them are as follows:

  1. Firstly, the police will knock on a person’s door. After that, they will announce themselves and wait for someone to answer it. If someone answers the question and says that they are fine, the police will notify the one who makes a call that the one who they are worried about is fine.
  2. If no one is around, the police will investigate around the home. The things that they may inspect include the garage and parking lot to see if their car is nearby. Besides, they will also check their mail to see if they have any letters or packages pilling up.
  3. It is also possible for the police to collect background information and do a little research. They may go to the neighbors to ask them about that person. They will ask if they have been the person recently or if they know some people who may have visited them recently. Plus, they may also reach out to the family members or friends of the person to get similar information. Aside from that, they may also check the call history and dig into their medical history. Sometimes, they may also check nearby hospitals and jails to see if that individual is there.
  4. If the police feel the situation is not good or if they think that the person is in danger, they will enter the home without hesitation and they are allowed to do that. Actually, the decision depends on the certain case. Before entering the home by breaking it, they will usually look for an open window or another point of entry.

Not only that, there is a thread on Quora asking what happens during a thing called a police wellness check. There are two users who have shared their thoughts as follows:

  • James

He said that the police will show up in the middle of the night banging on the door with 24 car back up and guns ready. According to his experience with American cop things, they will force their way in to murder the resident once they start to open the door. The man sad that this wellness check is the kind of thing to keep a brother pack member from getting in trouble or to solve their personal vendetta to cure their sickness. They already find out what they are pulling. There are no questions need to be asked or gave. This kind of thing is a common thing done by American cops.

  • Karen L Singer Zander

First of all, the police will start to get someone to answer the door. Then, they walk around the address to identify if there appears to be anything out of order. In case no one is there, they will try to find someone who has the key. If they think that the place is empty, they will usually leave it.

If someone answers the door, the police will identify who they are and will state the reason why they are sent. Some possible things that they will state include “You didn’t pick up the mail for a week”, “Your animals haven’t been fed”, “The lawn is unkempt”, “The snow hasn’t been shoveled”, “You aren’t responding to calls or emails from family”, “No one has seen you or your children in a few days”.

When someone gets asked these questions by the police, they have the right to refuse to give more than yes or no answers. At that time, they will be asked some questions. Before getting asked, they will be asked if they are healthy enough or if they need assistance.

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