The Relationship Between Anxiety and Blood Pressure

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All day, blood pressure naturally fluctuates no matter how healthy you are. Your blood pressure can be high and low at different times depending on what you eat, how long you sleep, how much you move, and how stressed you are.

The interesting thing is that anxiety can influence your blood pressure where it can make your blood pressure higher or lower.

Do you want to know the relationship between anxiety and blood pressure? If so, you are able to read the explanation below about it according to the Kampus Psikologi site in an article written by Miftahun Fadhila, S.Psi where the source of her writing is from Calm Clinic site in an article written by Micah Abraham, BSc entitled How Anxiety Affects Blood Pressure.

Changes in Blood Pressure and Anxiety

Anxiety is the activation of your fight or flight system – a system which is designed to keep you safe from harm – when there is no danger. The fight or flight system causes a number of physical changes that will help you to respond to a predator or threat if there is, but it can be stressful when it happens without the danger.

Various types of anxiety can affect your blood pressure in different ways. If you want to understand how anxiety can affect blood pressure, you have to get the basic understanding about blood pressure and how it fluctuates.

  • Increased Heart Rate
    When your heart rate increases, it is one of the main contributors to an increase in blood pressure. When you are experiencing anxiety, for example, you are feeling anxious to talk in public, your heart rate increases. The increase in cardiac output causes an increase in pressure which increases your systolic pressure. It is important for you to note that diastolic pressure usually remains stable even though there is a slight increase.
  • Contracted Ventricles
    It is related to the heartbeat because they are all part of the same system. Blood usually flows through ventricles with some pressure and when you are feeling anxious, the ventricles contract as blood pumps through them where it causes the pressure to increase.
  • Hypoventilation
    It is important for you to note that not all changes in blood pressure lead to high blood pressure. You are able to experience low blood pressure because of anxiety caused by hypoventilation. There are a lot of people who breathe badly when they are anxious and it causes them to inhale too much carbon dioxide. It causes your body to operate at a weaker level which in turn causes blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure. Dangerous low blood pressure is rare, but it can decrease.
  • Salt/ Sodium
    Research shows that when stress causes hypertension (high blood pressure), your body may have difficulty in excreting sodium. High blood pressure may be somewhat independent as a result of anxiety because excess sodium also causes an increase in blood pressure.

You also have to remember that blood pressure fluctuates all day because of your activities, diet, hydration, and the other factors. Even if you are not feeling anxious, your blood pressure is not constant.

The Relationship

Blood pressure can cause anxiety and it is important for you to note that either low blood pressure or high blood pressure can cause a change in heart rate, dizziness, and many more. These symptoms can cause anxiety or trigger panic attacks and then it can increase your anxiety. However, not all people with high blood pressure experience anxiety.

Is It Dangerous?

The thing that must be concerned is whether or not the change in your blood pressure is dangerous. At its most basic level, affected blood pressure is not dangerous. However, you need to note that random fluctuations happen all the time with no ill effects. Blood pressure is a symptom of a problem – whether it is anxiety or heart disease – and it is not the cause of heart problems.

Your heart rate and blood pressure may stop because of anxiety. Your body can adapt with the chronic condition. Some people who are experiencing anxiety for hours really find that their blood pressure adjusts to the anxiety which eventually means a return to baseline. The change of high blood pressure tends to be fairly brief and often it happens in the early stages of anxiety or during a panic attack.

Note that it is wrong if you say that the increase of blood pressure is not dangerous. If you suffer from heart disease, this symptom should not be taken lightly. Anxiety can cause a rapid heart rate where it can lead to higher blood pressure and theoretically it can worsen heart conditions. So, it is important to consult with a doctor and get checked out regardless of your anxiety.

How to Overcome Rising Blood Pressure

Your brain specifically monitors your blood pressure. It is done to ensure that your body is operating at an ideal level. If there is a temporary spike in blood pressure, it can cause concerns, but your body makes it for a reason.

It is important for you to ensure that you learn to manage your anxiety. If you do that, it can help ensure healthy blood pressure. When you experience a panic attack, general anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc, you have to ensure that you overcome your anxiety to treat anxiety-related high blood pressure as well.

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