The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month

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Mental Health Month will raise awareness of trauma and the impact it can have on the physical, emotional, and mental. For your information, Mental Health Month was first recognized in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives, and also to celebrate recovery from mental illness.

Over the past 20 years, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and others within the United States Department of Health and Human Services and across the Federal Government, the public health community, and the general public have made efforts to improve the importance of understanding both prevention and treatment of mental health issues. These efforts have significantly increased the outlook for those affected by mental illnesses.

May is National Mental Health Month

When is Mental Health Awareness Month?

Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as Mental Health Month is May. As of 1949, it has been recognized each May in the United States. It has never been more crucial than now to recognize that mental health is an important component to one’s overall health and wellbeing, and that mental illnesses are very common and treatable.

What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

You have to know that Mental Health Awareness Month was established by the Mental Health America organization. It is recognized during the month of May. It was made as a method to educate the public about mental illness, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, raise awareness surrounding research and treatments, and celebrate recovery from mental illness. Because of misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental health problems, many people frequently suffer in silence. They do not seek treatment for their conditions. Mental health awareness is a crucial initiative to increase understanding of mental health conditions and also increase access to healthcare for those who need it.

What is the Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month?

Whether or not someone personally suffers with a mental health problem, Mental Health Awareness Month will help people recognize the ways mental illness impacts their lives, educates people regarding available services, and also highlights ways to advocate.

Need to know that recognition and education are crucial methods to remove the stigma associated with mental illness. Mental Health Awareness Month makes time and space to start a conversation. Talking openly regarding mental health will be able to reduce the misconceptions and stigma. Also, it will be able to encourage those who are suffering to seek help and discover a support network.

It is very crucial for friends, caregivers, and loved ones to understand the impact of mental health on daily life. Mental Health Awareness Month will provide education about the reality of living with a mental health condition, while it will be able to make life more difficult, it does not have to stop someone from having a fulfilling life. When people are better educated on these situations, they are able to better support and assist someone dealing with a mental health problem.

In addition, Mental Health Awareness Month also gives a chance for fundraising and awareness events. This, in turn, will be able to help support research, fund treatment options, and also connect advocates to make a brighter, more promising future of mental health care.

Who Can Benefit from Mental Health Awareness Month?

Of course, everyone. Almost one in five adults in the United States has a mental health condition. However, that one person has family, friends, and others whose lives are touched by their own condition, even if they do not themselves suffer from one. Now, you might be surprised by the prevalence of mental health conditions in adults in the United States:

  • 48 million have an anxiety disorder
  • 21 million have major depression
  • 9 million have post-traumatic stress disorder
  • 7 million have bipolar disorder
  • 3.5 million have borderline personality disorder
  • 3 million have obsessive compulsive disorder
  • 1.5 million have schizophrenia

Again, Mental Health Awareness Month will help those with a condition overcome the stigma and get access to treatment. It will help their friends, family, and loved ones better understand their situation and connect with support networks. Also, it will help the providers who treat those with a condition receive funding for their research and treatment so that they are able to better care for all our mental health. In short, we are able to benefit from Mental Health Awareness Month.

What Can You Do to Raise Awareness for Mental Health?

There are lots of opportunities for fundraising and awareness events during Mental Health Awareness Month. Many national organizations like MHA (Mental Health America), NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), and the National Institute of Mental Health hold the events and fundraisers. For your information, NAMIWalks is a national event where people come together to walk, promote awareness and raise funds. MHA (Mental Health America) provides a campaign named Tools 2 Thrive that gives education on mental health conditions and tools and tips for people to increase their mental health. To see how you can get involved or volunteer, you are able to contact your local mental health organization. They also may have their awareness event or fundraisers.

If there is someone in your life struggling with their mental health, the best thing you are able to do is reach out and start a conversation. Please educate yourself on the realities of living with mental health problems. Also, confront any feeling of stigma or judgment you may have. Support those in your life who will be able to spread the message of awareness and acceptance.

Here some powerful things you can do to help:

  • Showing individuals respect and acceptance will remove a significant barrier to successfully solving their illness. Having people see you as an individual and not as your illness will be able to make the biggest difference for someone who is struggling with their own mental health.
  • Advocating within our circles of influence will help ensure those individuals have the same rights and chances as other members of your school, church, and community.
  • Learning more about mental health will allow us to give helpful support to those affected in our families or communities.

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