The Chilton County Recording Fees

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Recording fees are defined as the fees that are charged by state and local agencies for registering the transfer of ownership of a property. They are included in the bundle of expenses that are usually called closing costs. These fees are charged by the county where the real estate transaction takes place. It means the cost of recording fees may be different from county to county.

For anyone whose real estate transaction takes place in Chilton County, you may want to know the recording fees in this county. So, what is the recording fee of Chilton County?

According to Justia Us Law, a special recording fee in Chilton County is $8. This information is written in 2022 Alabama Code Title 45 (Local Laws) Chapter 11 (Chilton County) Article 8 (Courts) Part 2 (Probate Court) Division 2 (Recording System Section 45-11-81-21 (Special Recording Fee). The following is what is written in it:

In Chilton County, a special recording fee of eight dollars ($8) shall be paid to the county and collected by the judge of probate for each real property instrument and each personal property instrument that may be filed for record in the office of the judge of probate and for the recording of other instruments and documents in the office of the judge of probate. No instrument shall be received for record in the office of the judge of probate unless the special recording fee of eight dollars ($8) is paid. The special recording fee shall be in addition to all other fees, taxes, and other charges required by law to be paid upon the filing for record of any real property instrument or personal property instrument, and for the recording of other instruments and documents in the office of the judge of probate in the discretion of the governing body of the county. All special recording fees collected shall be deposited as follows:

(1) Six dollars ($6) shall be distributed to the credit of the probate office to be expended by the judge of probate for general office operations.

(2) Two dollars ($2) shall be distributed to the county general fund.

(Act 89-478, p. 1001, §1; Act 97-593, p. 1047, §1; Act 2009-594, p. 1751, §1.)

Unfortunately, the 2023 recording fee in Chilton County is still unknown. There is a high chance that it has not been released. On the official website of Justia US Law, 2022 is the newest year. It seems like the special recording fee of 2023 is still the same as 2022 because apparently, the number has not changed for a while. In 2009, the special recording fee was also $8, according to 2009 Alabama Code Title 45 (Local Laws) Chapter 11 (Chilton County) Section 45-11-81.21 (Special recording fee).

In the future, the information about the recording fees of the Chilton County on Justia US Law might be updated. If you want to be the first one to find out such information, you are recommended to visit the official website of Justia US Law regularly.

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