Test Which is Your Morality Alignment

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You may want to know about your morality alignment. If you want to know it, you are able to take a morality alignment test. This can be taken online. If you access morality alignment on your browser, you will find a number of tests.

According to the Brainfall site, a moral alignment test is a series of questions that are able to show someone just who they are as a person. On that site, it is also explained that there are three options. However, firstly you have to choose between law and chaos and then between good and evil and then as also explained on that site, the different final options on the alignment chart include lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil.

It is important for you to note that the result that you get from the test does not need to be a lifelong commitment, especially if you are not satisfied with it. It is because the test is just an idea of where you are now.

Brainfall site is one of the sites that you are able to access if you want to test your moral alignment. If you test alignment on that site, here are the questions.

    • Someone at work says something negative about your performance. How do you react?
      a. Taking their criticism to heart and learning from my mistakes
      b. Not really caring and just going about my business
      c. I take their criticism, and it alters my mood slightly, but ultimately, it does not change who I am
      d. Plotting revenge to get back at them by eavesdropping on all their conversations
    • What’s a scenario that would cause you to change your job?
      a. If a family member got sick and I needed to take time off to care for them. Family comes first.
      b. I’m going to get a promotion because the person above me is bad at their job and I’ve helped to sabotage them while covering up my tracks.
      c. I work for myself, so I don’t need to change jobs.
      d. I’m pretty complacent in my do-nothing job, so I’m good.
    • Would you say you have close friends or are you more of a loner?
      a. I kind of just float on my own.
      b. I keep my enemies closer. That way I always know what they’re doing.
      c. When it suits me to have friends, I can be close. But, I’m fine to be alone too.
      d. I’m incredibly loyal and have a great group of friends.
    • What makes sense to you in terms of how to find a mate?
      a. Treat someone with respect and they’ll return it.
      b. I like to question someone else’s character first. That gives a good barometer for how they handle tough situations.
      c. I don’t need anyone. I aim to drive people away from me.
      d. I’m fine on my own. I beat to my own drum.
      e. Sometimes I float from partner to partner. I don’t like to be tied down.
    • What is the perfect crime?
      a. Crafting something so dastardly that you not only cause harm but also get away with it.
      b. Probably something that someone else gets blamed for, but I don’t care enough to commit a crime.
      c. Why even bother committing a crime?
      d. I don’t believe there is a perfect crime. But if I had to commit one, it would be in an honorable way.
    • What does a typical night for you consist of?
      a. Relaxing and listening to reggae music
      b. Spending time with friends and reading books to better my mind
      c. Thinking about how to screw over my annoying coworker
      d. I change it up nightly. I don’t like to have plans
      e. I genuinely don’t know as I make up decisions on the fly. Probably go out but who knows?
    • Have you ever betrayed a friend for your own personal gain?
      a. I’m not proud of it, but yes.
      b. I’m in it for myself always. I don’t have many friends because of this.
      c. I’d never.
      d. Eh. Maybe. Haven’t thought about it much. I might have. I might not have.
    • What’s your approach when you lend someone some money?
      a. They will get me back when they can.
      b. I’ll remind them once to repay me but then it’s a bit awkward. I’m not trying to ruffle feathers.
      c. I add on interest for every day they are late.
      d. I’ll remind them until they pay me.
    • Are you interested in your local town politics?
      a. I absolutely care about my community, so I pay attention to the issues.
      b. I’m sure they’re doing fine, but I haven’t paid attention enough to know.
      c. They limit some of our freedom with these city ordinances, like no drinking outdoors and shoes being needed indoors.
      d. I don’t like to think about politics, and I genuinely dislike all the politicians.
    • Describe your room
      a. It’s well organized and I make my bed each day. It’s spotless.
      b. It’s a mess. There are clothes everywhere and crumbs and food everywhere.
      c. There is a bit of a mess and I’ll clean it eventually. Eventually rarely comes quickly though.
      d. If I forget to clean my room, I’ll clean it the next day. I like to keep it tidier than not.
      e. Sometimes it’s clean. Sometimes it’s messy. When it’s clean, it gets messy. Then I eventually clean it. I’m not in a rush.
    • Name someone you respect
      a. My elders
      b. No one. I’m the only person that matters.
      c. Maybe the cops because they have the option to put me in jail.
      d. My parents because they have not done too much hard parenting. They have been pretty chill.

If you have answered all of the questions above, then you have to click on the Submit button. Then, you will see it is loading and then there will be the Get Result button and you have to click on it. After that, you will see the result of the test.

Besides Brainfall site, there are other sites which provide you morality alignment test such as IDRlabs.com, GoToQuiz.com, howstuffworks.com, easydamus.com, and many more.

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