Success Stories of Passing Hair Follicle Test

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You may be required to do a hair follicle test and you are worried that the result will be positive. Well, according to the Tacoma Daily Index, as long as you do not consume drugs, especially in the past 90 days, it seems that you will be successful in passing the test. However, to get rid of your worry, it is better for you to read the success stories of others who can pass the hair follicle test that you are able to read below.

Passing Hair Follicle Test

Success Story 1

This story was a post on Reddit from Susan, but then it is told again in the Tacoma Daily Index site. In this story, she used the Macujo method, but she changed the Clean & Clear Pink shampoo with Clearasil face wash. No problem if she changed it because Clearasil also contains 2% salicylic acid where it is the key ingredient to clean the hair thoroughly and open the cuticle layer. Rather than Zydot Ultra Clean, or another detoxification shampoo, she used a hair detoxifier solution.

So, the things that Susan did to pass the hair follicle test are explained below.

  • She soaked her hair in vinegar.
  • Clearasil Ultra daily wash was added and then she clingfilmed the lot.
  • She washed her hair with old style Aloe Rid shampoo twice.
  • And then she washed her hair with Tide detergent.
  • ExplusionX2 hair detoxifier was used by her as well.

Susan said that she was a daily weed smoker. She was used to passing drug tests if it was the urine test. However, when the test was a hair drug test she was screwed. When she decided to use the Macujo method, it worked. Since she changed some items, she was afraid that it would fail. Fortunately, she got good news where she passed the hair test.

Success Story 2

In this story, there is Eric who posted his success story of passing hair follicle test on the Grasscity forum where it was told again on the Mnhealthactiongroup site. Same as Susan, he also used the Macujo method and here is how he used the method.

  • For 30 minutes, he soaked the whole head in apple cider vinegar. After that, he put on a shower cap.
  • The Pink kind of Clean & Clear Astringent was used while the vinegar was still in the hair.
  • He massaged his head properly and left for 30 minutes.
  • After that, he dabbed some Tide liquid laundry detergent.
  • After the Macujo method was done, then he used shampoo where he used Neutrogena Tsal Shampoo with 3% salicylic acid. He scrubbed for 30 minutes.
  • In this step, he made a baking soda and water paste and then he massaged for 20 minutes.
  • To wash it all off, he used hair mud and shampoo.

These steps were done by Eric twice on the first day and then once for the rest of the three days.

Success Story 3

In this story, there is Sarah who told her success story of passing a hair follicle test on Reddit where this story was also posted on the Mnhealthactiongroup site. Sarah used Macujo and Zydot Ultra Clean.

  • First, she used Herbal Clean Detox and followed the instructions mentioned.
  • Then, she washed her hair.
  • After washing her hair, she poured vinegar all over her head and scrubbed well for 30 minutes.
  • And then, she used the Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo on top of the vinegar and left it for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, she rinsed it and then she used the deep-cleaning shampoo.
  • She washed with Tide and dabbed baking soda paste on her hair.
  • In this step, she used shampoo and conditioner as usual.
  • And then, she used dish soap and topped it with Zydot Ultra Clean Treatment.
  • At last, she dried her hair.

On her hair drug test, her result was negative.

Well, as you are able to see, these three people used the Macujo method for clearing substances from their hair follicles so that they can pass the hair follicle test. If you have a habit of consuming illegal drugs, it is better for you to stop consuming them. It is for your own good. And now, if you try to find a job and one of the tests is a hair follicle test, good luck to you.

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