How to Take Non Biological Father Off Birth Certificate

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Removing father’s name from a birth certificate is possible if you mistakenly submitted the wrong father’s name on your birth certificate. A reliable lawyer can advise on how to remove father’s name of the father who is a non biological father from a birth certificate.

Usually, the government will allow you to apply for a birth registration correction when the information initially provided is wrong. A lawyer can apply to change who the recorded father is if the lawyer can prove that the man named on the birth certificate is not the biological father of the child. The examples of proof include:

  • A record of a DNA test from an approved tester.
  • A court order confirming that the man named on the birth certificate is not the natural father.
  • Evidence that confirms the name of the real biological father.
  • Other evidence confirming that the recorded father is not the true biological father.

Certificate of Live Birth

Thus, by having evidence that the man named on the birth certificate is not the biological father, it is very possible to remove the father’s name from a birth certificate.

The Way to Take Non-Biological Father Off Birth Certificate

Need to know that the way to remove a non-biological father from a birth certificate varies depending on the state you live in. In several states, you only need to change the birth certificate, remove the non-biological father’s name, and then replace the biological father’s name. Or, if you prefer, you can even leave it blank.

You can also remove a non-biological father from your birth certificate without a lawyer. To do that, you only need to contact your state’s Vital Records department, which can help you with the process. Please contact this department to know how you remove a father’s name from your birth certificate no matter what state you are in. Then, they will tell you the process of removing a non-biological father’s name from your birth certificate. Also, they will provide assistance if needed.

Although you do not always need a lawyer for this case, you can hire a lawyer if you are not sure or need assistance. So, what are the steps that you can do to remove a non-biological father from your birth certificate? For your information, in several states, you will need to complete an application to remove or replace a father’s name on a birth certificate.

To remove a name from a birth certificate, you must w fill out the form and a copy of a court order. This can be a court determination of non-paternity or a judgment of divorce. Usually for this case, you need to take a paternity test to prove that a father’s name listed on your birth certificate is non biological father. Whether you need a paternity test or not as evidence will depend on the state that you live in.

Usually, an at-home paternity test is not recognized by the court and you are going to need a court order for non-paternity. This can be performed through your local court system. Therefore, you must ensure to contact them for more information and assistance. They will be able to assist you arrange the test. Then, they will use the results to allow you to enter the change on the birth certificate to the Department of Vital Records.

In other states, before making any changes to your birth certificate, you must file a legal request through the court. Several states, like California, have a two-step process in removing a non-biological father from birth certificate. First, you must file a motion with the court and get a court order allowing you to remove the father’s name. Here, you must prove that the man listed on your birth certificate is not the father with a paternity test. Once you have the court order and have proved non-paternity, then you can submit the fee and application to change the birth certificate.

In several states, this is called an affidavit to change a record. Also, you will need the court order and a copy of the current birth certificate. These processes will be confusing. So, we highly suggest you hire a reliable lawyer if you feel it is necessary to assist you with the process. In addition, your local Department of Vital Records can give assistance here, along with your local court when required.

Remember that no matter the process, surely there is a fee involved with removing or changing names from a birth certificate. This will vary from state to state. But, ensure you know the fee beforehand. Also, you will need to pay any court fees and frequently for the paternity tests yourself. Before you begin the process, we highly suggest you speak to a lawyer to find out more about these fees.

By the way, how long does it take to remove a name from a birth certificate? This will vary from state to state. Some states, like Texas state that you need to file a petition to remove the non-biological father’s name from the birth certificate within one year after knowing that a father’s name listed on the birth certificate is non biological father. Meanwhile, other states do not state whether there is a time frame for this case. Thus, you must be sure to check with your local Department of Vital Records.

Apparently, removing a name from a birth certificate is not always an easy task. Besides different rules and procedures in each state, it also can be a highly emotive situation that surely can be devastating for all parties involved. Once again, please ensure to contact the Department of Vital Records in your state to know how you can remove a name on a birth certificate.

If this is a difficult time for you, do not worry, you are not alone. There are people that you can contact to get support and assistance. Once again, be sure to speak to a reliable lawyer for up-to-date and accurate information relating to the rules in your state.

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