How to Find the Entry Level Crime Scene Investigator Jobs

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Do you want to have a job as a crime scene investigator? You probably have taken the appropriate education and now you are looking for entry level crime scene investigator jobs. However, how do we find the entry level crime scene investigator jobs?

Actually, there are a lot of ways that you are able to do to be able to get a job as an entry level crime scene investigator. If you have a lot of friends, you may be able to get information from them, especially those who work in this field about the job vacancies. If you have someone that you know that works in this field, you can also ask him or her whether there is a job vacancy for an entry level crime scene investigator or not. Or, you are only able to sit down at your house and find an entry level crime scene investigator job by accessing a number of websites.

How to Find the Entry Level Crime Scene Investigator Jobs

If you access the Crime Scene Investigator Network site which can be accessed at here, you will be able to see a list of crime scene investigator job vacancies. So, you are able to access that site to check the jobs for crime scene investigators. On that site, you will be able to see the location of the job, the salary, final filing date, and also some description of the job.

Besides, you are also able to access Indeed’s website. There, you may be able to find a job as a crime scene investigator. When we searched “Crime Scene Investigator” in the search field of Indeed site, there were a number of job vacancies for that job. However, we do not know whether it is for entry level or not. You are able to check by yourself and if you are sure, you are able to try to apply for the job.

What You Need to Know About Entry Level Crime Scene Investigators

If you want to work as a crime scene investigator, you need to know about the entry level crime scene investigator jobs. This job is not like the other entry-level jobs where new employees have little responsibilities. In the entry-level crime scene investigator job, you will have to respond to crime scenes and collect evidence. If you think that this job is hard, of course it is hard because you just start to work, but you have this big task. However, you do not have to be too worried because you will usually work under the supervision of an experienced investigator. And even though you are supervised by them, you still have an important role in this job. As an entry-level crime scene investigator, you also will have to handle every aspect of crime scene investigation where it specializes in collecting evidence to photograph it and analyze it in the lab.

How to Be a Crime Scene Investigator?

If you become a Crime Scene Investigator, you will be trained to work with law enforcement and collect forensic evidence such as fingerprints, footprints, DNA and many more. By being trained with these things, so you will be able to do tests on the existing evidence and interpret findings.

According to the University HQ site, here are the steps that you have to do to be a Crime Scene Investigator.

1. You have to find and enroll in a CSI Trade School or Criminal Justice Degree program

You are able to find a criminal justice technology degree program and choose a crime scene concentration or specialization. For your information, crime scene investigator programs are designed for new students who want to work in this field directly or for current law enforcement officers who need more education or training for future work in a crime scene unit. Let’s say that you are a new student who has a plan to work as a crime scene investigator. If so, you will have to complete police academy training and your probation. After you complete the probation well, then you are able to apply for a CSI. How about taking a trade school program? If you take this program, you will learn the basics of criminal investigations and crime-scene processing. Here, you will do case preparation and forensic science techniques. Besides, you will also be taught about applications and equipment using theoretical and training in the field.

2. You have to take part in an internship

You may be required to have completed a criminal justice internship in the field by your crime scene investigator program before you are able to get certification. So, the college where you study and a criminal justice agency needs to have an agreement that permits you and your fellow students to report to the agency, where you will do hands-on training in crime scene investigation techniques. It is important for you to note that every internship is completed with the requirements such as the total hours that you need to complete, what you will learn, and how you will be graded.

3. You need to find an entry-level CSI position

In your final semester, you need to be ready to start finding a job. If you have found the positions that you want, then you are able to polish up your resume and write your cover letters. If you do not know how to do it, you are able to get assistance from your campus career placement office. You may hope that you can work in a position that gives you more responsibility. However, it is important for you to note that you will start in an entry-level position where you will get valuable and needed training. Also, you may need to accept a lower pay at this level.

4. You have to be certified

After you graduate and find your first job, then you will need to find a crime scene investigation certification program where it will add new knowledge for you. Some positions may require you to study for and earn a certification that attests to your level of knowledge. So, by having it, your supervisors and future employers will know that you have the skills and knowledge that you need in the field.

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