How to Do JPay Video Visit on iPhone

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Lots of services provided by JPay. One of them is a video visitation. There are a lot of people who use its services to stay connected with their loved ones in prison. By the way, how to do a JPay video visit on your iPhone? Well, let us find that answer by reading the text below.

How to Do a JPay Video Visit on iPhone?

JPay provides a Video Visitation service to allow you and your inmate to be able to communicate with each other face to face. This great service is done through your computer. By the way, how to do a JPay video visit on iPhone? Unfortunately, when we look for the information about video visitation on JPay by using the iPhone, we cannot find more information about that. Thus, it will be better for you to do a JPay Video Visit on your computer.

As explained on the official website of JPay, to do a JPay video visit, you need a webcam, a computer with the appropriate capabilities, and of course an internet service. It seems that you cannot do a JPay video visit on your smartphone, including your iPhone. Thus, to communicate with your loved one in prison via JPay Video Visit, you have to prepare a webcam and computer.

Need to note that if you want to do a JPay video visit with your loved one in prison, first you have to make a schedule. You are able to schedule it on your JPay website. By the way, how to schedule a video visit on JPay? You will be able to read that information below.

How to Schedule a JPay Video Visit?

You need to communicate with the inmate about the date and time for doing a JPay video visit. After you talk about the date and time with the inmate, then you are able to schedule it through the official site of JPay.

Here are some steps to make a schedule doing JPay video visit:

  • At the first step, you have to log into your JPay account.
  • Once you are on the JPay home page, you are able to click on the JPay Video Connect. Then, click on the Schedule New JPay Video Connect.
    schedule a JPay Video Connect
  • On the Schedule JPay Video Connect page, you are able to click on the JPay Video Connect Terms of Use link and read them. After you read the terms of use, then you are able to click on the Continue button.
  • In the Choose Date box, please choose the day for your JPay Video Connect by clicking on the arrows to change the month and click on the specific date from the calendar. Then, you are able to click the Continue button.
     In the Choose Date box
  • In the Choose Time list, you are able to select the time for your JPay Video Connect and do not forget to click on the Continue button. Again, click on the Continue button.
  • In this step, you have to select the payment method which you want to use by choosing a previously saved card from the Select Card list. Or, you are able to use a new credit/ debit card by clicking on the Use a New Credit/Debit Card. If you select this option, you have to add billing information for the new card. Next, click on the Continue button.
    select the payment method
  • When you are in the Payment Verification box, ensure that the information on the screen is right. Then, you are able to click on the Continue button. Now, your JPay Video Connect is added to your calendar and you are able to view it on the JPay Video Connect page.
  • After you make a schedule doing JPay Video Visit, then your loved one in prison will receive a notification with the date and time of the JPay Video Connect.

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