How Often Can Inmates Check JPay?

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If someone that is close to you is currently at a jail, prison, or detention center, you may use JPay to connect with them. As a user of JPay, you may be wondering about a few things. One of the things that you may be wondering is how often inmates can check JPay.

You may want to find out about this so that you can decide how often you can contact them through JPay. Not only that, one of the most common reasons to find out how often inmates can check JPay is because the family members or friends have not received a call, message, or something else from their incarcerated ones, for ages.

So, how often do inmates can check JPay? While there is no information provided by JPay found on its official website, you can find the answer on the communities. On one of the popular communities called Quora, there is a good answer by someone who studied at Stamford School named Richard Kennair. According to this user, the inmates can check JPay as often as they can. However, he emphasizes that the access to services such as JPay can be limited. He says that if an inmate is in regular email contact with those on the outside, they will try to access the system as often as time or regulations permit. For your information, inmates can be limited to 15 minutes at a time at a JPay kiosk. He adds that emails are monitored so do not get surprised if there are delays in inmates receiving emails or sending them. The user shares his experience that a message that he sent to an inmate has been in limbo for almost 60 hours. Usually, the email will be held if it consists of something questionable. In the worst case, it may never make it through.

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