How Long Does an FBI Background Check Take?

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Usually, a job with a serious and reputable role will require an FBI background check. An FBI background check is the one that is carried out to determine the criminal and background history of a potential job applicant. This kind of check is usually carried out for a few things, such as jobs in law, federal and state jobs, government jobs and medical jobs. From the FBI background check, employers will be able to find out whether employees have fingerprint records and a comprehensive background of their criminal history, if applicable.

FBI Background Check

Talking about FBI background checks, you may want to know how long it takes. So, how long does an FBI background check take?

According to LinkedIn, an FBI background check can take 12 to 14 weeks. Aside from that, it is also possible for it to take less than a week. It is said that the first time frame is if you submit your application directly to the FBI. As for the second one, it is if you go through a thing known as channeler. In case you have no idea about channelers, it refers to one of the private firms the FBI contacts with to collect and submit fingerprints for background checks.

If you want to submit your application directly to the FBI, first of all, you should download an application form from the official website of the FBI. After filling it out, submit it with a fingerprint card. Remember that the card must be current and include prints for all 10 fingers, along with your name and date of birth. Do not try to submit the old fingerprint card from a past check because it won’t do. Talking about fingerprinting, actually it is possible for you to try it by yourself. However, it is better for you to pay for a professional to take your prints, as recommended by the FBI. If you have no idea where to find such a professional, try to contact local law enforcement.

If you want to try using a channeler, you should be ready with the budget. Compared to going through the FBI, going through a channeler costs more. It is about $50 or so for a background check. However, it has some benefits. One of them is that it takes less time. As for the time it will need to be completed, it can be anywhere from 3 days to a week. Everything depends on the service you use and whether the service collects your prints digitally or on paper.

Meanwhile, Fair Punishment states that the average time frame you will be waiting for an FBI background check to be completed is 4 weeks and it is also considered rare. It means the most common is less than 4 weeks. If the employer wants to get a background check electronically, they will get it with a fingerprint card. For this, they will have to wait for 5 business days. Actually, it depends on the mail service carrier. If they have asked for the form to be sent back via mail, they may have to wait for another week or so. If your potential employer wants to get a background check in the mail, tell them that they may have to wait approximately 2-4 weeks until the process is completed. This includes getting the form there and back.

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