How Do I Find an Inmate’s Release Date on TDCJ?

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Do you have a family member or friend who is incarcerated in prison? If you have an incarcerated family member or friend, you may want to know when your family member or friend will be released from prison. Of course, knowing the release date of an inmate is important so that you will be able to plan a good welcoming for your family member or friend. Also, knowing the inmate’s release date is crucial if you are a victim of a crime committed by the inmate. By knowing the inmate’s release date, you will be able to protect yourself from the inmate.

The question is how to find an inmate’s release date? Inmate’s release date is accessible to the public. You will be able to find it by calling a phone, or you can find it by searching the internet. At this time, we will share a way to find an inmate’s release date on TDCJ. Keep reading this entire article to find an inmate’s release date on TDCJ.

Finding an Inmate’s Release Date on TDCJ

Find an Inmate's Release Date on TDCJ

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) manages the inmates in the state’s prisons, jails, and correctional facilities. Information about an inmate’s release date on TDCJ is accessible to the public. However, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) only provides you with the inmate’s projected release date as the exact inmate’s release date may change during the inmates’ incarceration. Thus, you need to call the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to confirm the exact inmate’s release date before you pick up your family member or friend from prison.

Here are some methods to find an inmate’s projected release date on TDCJ:

Method 1: Online Search

The first method to find an inmate’s projected release date on TDCJ is by online search. For your information, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has an online search page where you can search for the location and inmate’s release date. Do a search using an online search page provided by the TDCJ by providing the required information.

To get result, you must enter at least one of the following:

  • State identification number (SID).
  • TDCJ number.
  • Inmate’s full name.
  • Inmate’s birth date.

If you have more information about the inmate, it will be easier to do a search. Please enter the information in the search columns. Then, click on the “search” button. Automatically, a new page will open displaying an inmate’s release date. If you do a search by an inmate’s name, then the system will search for an exact match. Thus, misspellings of an inmate’s last name will generate inaccurate results.

Method 2: Sending Email

The second method to find an inmate’s projected release date on TDCJ is by sending an email to Explain that you want to know the release date of an inmate. In email, you must provide a TDCJ number. If you do not know the TDCJ number, then you should include an inmate’s full name, inmate’s date of birth, or the county where the inmate was convicted. The more information you have, it can be easier to get an inmate’s release date.

Method 3: Calling the TDCJ

Another method is by calling the TDCJ’s offender locator line at (936) 295-6371. Or, you can also call the TDCJ’s general information line at (800) 535-0283. When you want to find out an inmate’s projected release date by phone, you must have required data about the inmate. Here you must provide an inmate’s TDCJ number, inmate’s full name and inmate’s date of birth. By the way, when can you call the TDCJ? For your information, you can call the TDCJ on Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. So, make sure that you call the TDCJ on those times.

Inmate’s Projected Release Date Details

As we explained before, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) will only give the inmate’s projected release date since the exact inmate’s release date can change during the inmates’ incarceration. Need to know that an inmate’s projected release date is based on the inmate’s offense as well as the date and the nature of the offense. An inmate with offense committed before September 1, 1996 who is eligible for mandatory supervision, he/she will be released on his/her projected release date if he/she is not paroled. While an inmate with offense committed after September 1, 1996 who is eligible for mandatory supervision, he/she will be released at the discretion of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (BPP). You can call this kind of release a discretionary mandatory release. An inmate who is not approved for release by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (BPP), or who is not eligible for mandatory supervision, he/she has a release date which is the same as his/her discharge date.

Well, the text above is an explanation about how to find an inmate’s release date on TDCJ. Once again, before you pick up your family member or friend from prison, you need to call the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to confirm the exact inmate’s release date.

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