How Do Gang Stalkers Communicate with Each Other

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Since gang stalking is an attempt to destroy and intimidate victims mentally or even physically, gang stalkers will continuously stalk a target whenever the person is around. When stalking a target, they may do it either individually or even in groups, so they automatically carry out certain forms of communication – only members of the gang can understand.

This act can be performed by an individual or group, either with certain motivations such as jealousy, revenge, or intolerance, or even without a clear reason. Since anyone can become the target of gang stalking, including you, it’s very important for you to know the gang stalkers’ form of communication so you’re more alert when noticing their action.

How Do Gang Stalkers Communicate with Each Other

So, here’s everything you must know regarding how gang stalkers communicate with each other!

How Do Gang Stalkers Communicate with Each Other?

There is no doubt that gang stalkers are considered well-organized groups of people who will constantly communicate with each other, either in a certain location where the target is usually located or even in other areas through extensive contact.

Basically, each gang has a certain form of communication to differentiate themselves from other gangs. In addition to communicating with fellow members while stalking targets, their communications also serve other purposes such as confirming members, communicating with allies, instilling pride, and intimidating their rivals.

Generally, gang stalkers communicate with each other in many different ways, both verbally and nonverbally. We’ve discovered a variety of communication methods that gang stalkers commonly use, including:

  • The use of street slang
  • The use of signs, symbols, and colors that they usually show through graffiti, clothing, tattoos, caps, shoes, bandannas, and jewelry
  • Hand signals
  • Body gestures
  • Palantir
  • Metaphorical analogy
  • Smartphones that they use to make obscure phone calls to the target, a kind of terror
  • Private social media groups, text, and radio (regular or rarely backscatter channel encryption)
  • Telegram (or other encrypted phone chats)
  • The use of direct communication through micro-transceivers that are stuck on their mouths or in their hand holes between their thumbs and index fingers that they attached to micro-transceivers paired a quarter inch in front of their ears

Well, those are some ways that gang stalkers usually communicate with each other while stalking their target. If you happen to find a group of people performing any signs, such as brushing their hair back, scratching their faces, wiping their eyebrows, etc., you should notice them and beware.

How Do Gang Stalkers Carry Out Stalking?

Even though gang stalking is not a serious crime, if it is organized by a group of individuals, it will certainly trigger criminal acts such as physical or mental abuse, mental destruction of the victim, or suicide or murder attempts.

Thus, gang stalkers will perfectly plan secret methods to carry out psychological abuse against their target, to force silence or expel people who hold opposing views with them. Their strategies aim to make the target feel untrustworthy, isolated, and suspicious.

The common methods that gang stalkers use to carry out stalking against victims include:

  • Spying out the victim
  • Monitoring
  • Spreading false rumors
  • Gaslighting
  • Mirroring the victim’s physical gestures or verbal comments
  • Systematic harassment
  • Paying extra attention to the victim that the victim doesn’t even want
  • Entering or exiting the property or other locations with the victim
  • Repeating private conversations that took place in the home environment or even over the phone
  • Even physical attack

Well, those methods could be performed by a single person or by a group of people working together. In addition, gang stalkers can also enter the victim’s house illegally or use the help of the target’s friends or family to do so.

Gang stalkers may even rearrange the victim’s personal stuff at work or home, so the victim will feel confused about what happened, thus questioning their own logic and reasoning. Worse, stalkers can become more aggressive or violent toward targets, family members, or pets.

The leader of gang stalkers will usually enlist the help of others with various techniques, such as manipulating potential members, providing false information about victims, or hiring those with similar criminal backgrounds.

What is the Motive Behind Gang Stalking?

Gang stalkers basically carry out stalking since the victim is superior to them or other students (if they are students). In addition, they may also have their own set of standards that separate them from everyone else in the environment, leading them to carry out stalking against their target.

Furthermore, they will act to either blame the target for the mistakes of gang members or show appreciation for what the victim achieves. In an effort to isolate the victim from the environment, they can perpetuate the notion that the target is mentally disturbed or dangerous, so that indirectly people will stay away from them.

Generally, stalkers carry out gang stalking since they are not tolerant of another person for some reasons, such as:

  • Another person has different lifestyles or beliefs.
  • Racial prejudice
  • Revenge
  • Jealousy
  • Homophobia
  • Racism
  • Fear of the other
  • Exclusion
  • the desire to rule and control others under his command.
  • Or even if there’s no obvious reason

What Impact Does Gang Stalking Have on Victims?

Of course, there are so many serious impacts that the victim may experience, including both emotional and psychological as well as physical consequences. They may suffer:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Paranoia
  • feeling of alienation
  • Lonely
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Eating disorder
  • Various unpleasant physiological symptoms such as headache and nausea

The worst thing that the victim may experience is the inability to work normally, carry out daily tasks, and interact with other people.

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