Harris County Jail Roster

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If you want to check whether someone is in Harris County jail, Texas or not, you are able to check it in the Harris County jail roster. How to access it? It is very easy because you only have to access the website of Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

Accessing Harris County Jail Roster

Accessing Harris County Jail Roster can be done by following the steps below.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to access the website of Harris County Sheriff’s Office that can be accessed at harriscountyso.org.
  • When you are on the homepage of that website, then you have to click on the Jail Information.
  • You will be taken to the Jail Information page and there, click on the Find Someone In Jail option.
  • You will be taken to the Online Public District & County Criminal Records Inquiry page. Here, you are able to do a search of an inmate by entering their last name, first name, birth date, SPN, SSN or one of them and then hit the Submit This Search button. If you only enter their last name, for example, you can do that.
  • Then, you will be given the results. If you search by only entering the last name, then you will be given the list of inmates who contain that name. From the list, just choose the correct inmate that you are looking for.
  • After that, you will be taken to the page of the inmate’s details.

Harris County Jail Roster

Inmate Information Available in the Harris County Jail Roster

After you search an inmate by following the steps above, then you will be taken to the information of the inmate that you are looking for. What information is available?

The information that you can get about the inmate includes their name, jail, update, SPN, date of birth, booking date, out date, case, charge, court, court date, bond amt, fine balance due, and bond exc. On that page, it is also shown when the information is updated so that you can know when the information is accurate.

Harris County Sheriff’s Office Contact

If you want to contact the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, here is the contact information.

  • Harris County Sheriff’s Office
    1200 Baker Street
    Houston, TX 77002
  • 9-1-1 for Emergency
  • (713) 221-6000 for Non-emergency
  • (713) 755-5300 for Incarcerated Person Information
  • (346) 286-1600 for Information Line

You are also able to access the website of Harris County Sheriff’s Office that you are able to access at harriscountyso.org. On the website, you cannot only get the jail information, but also the other things such as news, services, careers, reporting crime and many more. And even when you access the Jail Information page, you can get the information about inmate care, inmate visitation, inmate bonding, inmate mail, inmate phone calls, inmate trust fund, warrants search, and many more.

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