Does UPS Hire Felons?

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If you have someone who has just been released from a prison, and then she or he is looking for a job and she or he is interested in working for UPS, you may wonder whether UPS can hire felons or not. UPS is United Parcel Service and it is a company which runs shipping and receiving which was founded in 1907. This company is one of the world’s largest shipping couriers. Cited from Wikipedia, this company is the largest courier company in the world by revenue where its annual revenue was around US $85 billion in 2020.

So, does this company hire felons?

a man witth tatoo working at UPS

UPS Hires Felons

UPS is a company that can hire felons in some locations for certain positions. When a felon applies for a job in this company, the thing that will be done by the HR representative may be checking their background and looking at their criminal record.

However, this decision may depend on the discretion of each location. If you are a felon, the HR representative may interview you and ask several things related to the felony that you did in the past. When you are asked about it, the best thing to do is to be honest and straightforward. If you choose to lie and one day the HR representative knows that you lied about your felony in the past, you may not be trusted again by them.

It seems that this company understands that people can change and grow over time. By hiring felons, it means this company wants to give a second chance to those who made mistakes in the past. It also means that this company believes that rehabilitation that an ex-felon received while they were in prison can make them better human and also the ability that they have can change their life.

Even though UPS can hire a felon, of course, they need to make sure that the felons are trusted and they can keep the safety and security of everyone including their workforce and customers.

Why Does a Felon Need to Try to Apply for a Job in UPS?

An ex-felon needs to try to apply for a job in UPS because this company opens the chance for an ex-felon to be able to work even though they did something bad in the past. So, if you are an ex-felon, you should not waste this opportunity. Who knows that you can get a job there. There may not be a lot of companies in the market that want to accept ex-felons.

As explained on the NCESC site, a lot of offenders are hired by this company every year and this company does not discriminate among ex-offenders and common workers. Besides, the company also offers a number of interesting benefits for the employees so that this company can be a good company to apply for.

What Job Can be Applied by Felons in UPS?

Usually, UPS opens a number of job vacancies. As we know, this company is one of the largest logistics companies in the US, so a lot of employees are needed by this company. There are different positions offered by this company. Here are some possibilities of jobs which can be applied by ex-felons in UPS.

  • Delivery Driver Assistants

Ex-felons usually have the ability to drive so that they are able to apply as a delivery driver assistant in UPS. By being a delivery driver assistant, they will work in the delivery department.

  • In-House Package Handlers

It seems that felons can work as in-house package handlers. There are a lot of packages that need to be handled by employees so that UPS surely needs a lot of employees in this section. To be able to work as a handler, physical strength is needed.

There may be some other jobs that you can apply for in UPS, just access its website to find the other possible jobs that you can apply for.

Things That May be Done by UPS Hiring Team to Felons Who Apply for a Job There

It is understandable if a company is very careful when they hire an employee, moreover if the applicant is an ex-felon. Some of the reasons are because they want to make sure that the applicants truly can do the job well, are responsible, can be relied on, and do not make trouble. So, the UPS hiring team may do several things as explained below.

  • When there are ex-felons who apply for a job, the hiring team may judge them based on the crime that they committed and they will do investigation first with the aim to evaluate the nature of the crime they committed and its circumstances. If they think that there are positions which are suitable for them, then they will hire them, but if not, they may be disqualified.
  • There is a possibility that a felon who has just been released from prison may not be accepted by UPS. It can happen because the company may have the time frame according to the crime that the felon had committed.
  • The company may also check your skills, personality, and experience. If they see that the position is suitable for you, then you will be hired by them.
  • The company will also check whether you committed more than one felony conviction.

Felons with Certain Offenses May be Disqualified by UPS

As also explained on NCESC, there are felons that may be disqualified by UPS because the felons committed certain offenses.

  • If ex-felons committed public or domestic violence, the chance of being accepted by the company may be small.
  • If you have been involved in drug trafficking or alcohol abuse, you may be disqualified because the company states that anyone who has a history of dealing with drugs will be rejected.
  • If you were charged with theft, the chance to be accepted may also be small.

However, it does not mean that you just give up because in the past you committed the felonies above. I know that ex-felons can change and they deserve to get the best thing for their future. So, whatever your felonies in the past are, as long as you commit that you want to be a better person now and in the future, don’t give up and you can try to apply for a job in UPS.

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