Difference Between Crime Prevention and Crime Control

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The question which asks about the difference between crime prevention and crime control may come to your mind and you want to know the difference between these terms. Well, here I will try to explain about it according to some online sources and also I will give you some other information related to crime prevention and crime control.

The Difference Between Crime Prevention and Crime Control According to Some Sources

According to the Study site, crime control gives a contribution to the elimination of criminal offenses through various policies, regulations, and actions. Meanwhile, crime prevention relates to the prevention of crimes through some processes such as security details, closed-circuit television (CCTV) tracking, law enforcement, and many more. According to that site, the crime control model is a conservative approach to crime and it involves protecting society by regulating criminal conduct by using the justice system. The main goal of the system is to control crime so that the society is safe and there is law and order. Meanwhile, the crime prevention model is about placing a plan in an area which is able to reduce the risk of a crime happening. The efforts which are done to reduce or prevent crime are put in place by the government, enforced by law, and maintained by the judicial system.

According to the StuDocu site, crime prevention is a strategy which is aimed at creating a morally good person and a favourable environment for this process. Meanwhile, crime control measures which are introduced to exercise control in time and space to protect people and property.

Furthermore, here is the explanation about crime prevention and crime control according to the Study site. It is explained that when dealing with any crime, it is important to understand the difference between the two models because each model is designed to reduce criminal activities using different techniques and one model is inferior to the other.

Government has the responsibility to formulate, execute, and oversee crimes that happen in society. Citizens have a task to help the government by applying the security measures to dissuade criminals and criminal activity in their areas. Citizens also need to report forbidden activities quickly so that it permits the authorities to manage crime better.

There is a purpose of crime control, namely to reduce crime and promote security and prevent the harm that can be brought by the crime. To prevent crime, there are a lot of methods. There are also a lot of people who are able to contribute to its reduction for safety and security. The model of crime control stresses the need to have a well-functioning system, with the essential purpose of reducing and regulating crime to keep society safe and orderly.

In the strategies of crime prevention, there are technologies that limit the means for committing the crime and monitor access to homes and businesses. Meanwhile, the strategies of crime control include deterrence, rule fixing, incarceration, punishment, and rehabilitation. These methods are used to reduce the possibility of crime happening, and their dangerous effects on people. Well, that’s the explanation

Some Crime Prevention Tips

According to the Study site, here are some crime prevention tips.

  • You have to always lock the windows to your home and vehicles.
  • Make sure that you do not leave precious items inside your vehicles.
  • Never leave your keys in your motor vehicles or hidden outside your home.
  • If there are unusual activities that you see around your home, you have to report it. You are able to dial 911.
  • When you go back home and you believe that someone has been or is still in your home, the thing that you have to do is don’t enter your home, but dial 911.

Some Questions and Answers About Crime Prevention and Control

Below, I have some questions and answers about crime prevention and control that you may need according to the StuDocu site which was uploaded by Jason Louw.

  • Question: Explain the two basic elements of a criminal act namely predisposition and precipitation!
    Answer: Predisposition is psychological motivation to do a crime and it is dependent on physiological and psychological make-up and the environment. It determines whether they did on purpose or negligently and whether they were able to understand what happened and it determines whether a person should be prosecuted. Meanwhile, precipitation is the absence of protection measures and it creates favourable conditions for criminals to do a crime.
  • Question: Describe the different stages or levels of crime prevention.
    Answer: The first one is primary where it prevents criminal behaviour from developing. It reduces the opportunities of crime in environments that predispose the youth to think of doing crime. It strengthens community and social structures within these environments. The second one is secondary where it changes people who have already developed a predisposition. It identifies people who are at risk of becoming career criminals. It is rapid and effective early interventions in the form of youth programmes. The third one is tertiary. It is a response to crime that has already been committed and addresses individuals, groups or places which are involved in an existing crime pattern. If focuses on CJS and the offences that have already happened, intervene in the lives of known offenders, prevent them from committing further crime and deter others in the communities from committing crime.
  • Question: Give an explanation about pre-incipitation and pre-discipitation as concepts of crime control!
    Answer: pre-incipitation happens when the perpetrator’s evaluation of the circumstances leads them to commit the crime. Pre-discipitation happens when the perpetrator’s evaluation of the circumstances leads them to decide not to commit the crime. Crime control focuses on the element of precipitation where it eliminates precipitating circumstances to deflect or detect criminal activity.
  • Question: Can you explain mechanism control, technological control and operational control?
    Answer: mechanical control is putting up walls, fences and burglar bars and installing safes. Technological control is infra-red beams, alarms, and closed-circuit television. Operational control is roadblocks, police patrols, cordon-and-search operations and undercover surveillance.

Well, that’s all some of the questions and answers about crime prevention and control according to the StuDocu site. You are able to access the StuDocu site if you want to get more questions and answers about this topic.

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