Catharsis: Constructive Channeling of Emotions

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Have you heard the term “catharsis”? This term may seldom be used in daily life. However, it is important to be known and here you are able to read about catharsis according to the Kampus Psikologi site.

What Is Catharsis?

Catharsis in Greek is self-purification. This word is often used by Aristoteles to describe the emotional release of the audience in a play.

In psychotherapy ( a method of therapy in psychology), the meaning of catharsis is explained as the process of “getting rid of a traumatic memory by telling everything that happened.”

Psychologist Sigmund Freud explained that emotions that are constantly buried in a person are very dangerous. The suppressed emotions can explode and to prevent it, emotions need to be channeled. Emotional release and aggression are sometimes based on past tragedies.

This constructive channeling of emotions is called “catharsis”. Talking therapy method is used as a technique to control emotions in the form of releasing these unbearable emotions that can create a beneficial therapeutic effect. However, now this psychotherapeutic technique from Freud is considered less relevant.

Benefits of Catharsis

The catharsis theory in psychology from Baron and Byrne (2004) concludes that catharsis is an effective method to reduce aggression. However, there is still great debate about the benefits of catharsis and its effectiveness in reducing aggression.

On the other hand, society has absorbed the term catharsis as a figure of channeling emotions through the media of art or an action, a kind of outlet. It is like opening a dam which is full of our emotions so that it can be empty again. If the dam is never opened, there is a risk of emotional breakdown or explosion.

Methods to Achieve Catharsis

To achieve cathartic moments, there are some common methods such as listening to music, watching movies, sharing with friends, or exercising.

  1. Sharing and Discussion

If you discuss with your friend about problems that you are facing, it can open your eyes. You are able to get solutions from the problem, a new point of view, or analysis of how you behave.

In a book entitled “Mirroring People” written by neurologist Marco Iacoboni, he explains that the feeling of “understanding” other people (emotional empathy) when sharing to others is the work of Mirror Neurons. These neurons help us feel and understand the feelings or experiences of others even at low intensity (Iacoboni, 2008).

We are also able to admit our mistakes in order to let go of guilt, gain trust (Kassin & Gudjonsson, 2004). However, we need to be completely honest about that matter.

A research from Eyal Peer, Alessandro Acquisti, and Shaul Shalvi (2014) says that confessions that explain that people who fully admit their mistakes will be accepted more by the interlocutor. In their study, it is also explained that people who do not fully admit their mistakes will feel more guilty than ever before.

  1. Listening to Songs

Some people will listen to sad songs in high volume when they feel sad. A study by Junko Matsumoto (2002) explains that sad songs can help people who are very sad feel better, but he also says that sad songs do not have a significant impact on people who are a little sad. Songs with sad themes sometimes can help us deal with sad feelings according to our personality and mood (Sachs, M.E., Damasio, A., & Habibi, A. 2015).

  1. Exercising

Some people use exercising as a means for expressing their anger. They use their emotions as an additional source of energy and release them in a constructive way. In Michael Sachs’ journal (2019), he found that exercising, sports, and other physical activities are more desirable for reducing stress or catharsis.

Every person has a different experience and solution to achieve catharsis where it is influenced by individual factors such as personality, past, mindset, and many others.

Can Expressing Anger Make Us More Relieved?

After reading some examples above, now you may think that if you destroy your anger, it can make you calmer. However, you need to know that it is wrong.

There is a study from Bushman (2002) that proves that expressing or releasing anger is not a long-term solution. In his research, he asked some groups to punch a pillow and apply some concepts. One of the concepts used is Rumination. The group that uses that concept is asked to punch the pillow while thinking of the person they hate. At the end of the study, the Rumination group becomes the most aggressive and angrier group than before.


Catharsis is the feeling of relief that you get after you express your emotions in a constructive way. According to psychological theory, types of emotions can be anger, disappointment, sadness, or grief.

Constructive methods that are able to be used such as exercising, listening to songs, sharing or discussion. You are also able to combine it with mindfulness therapy. If you express anger by breaking things or yelling, it has proven that it is not an effective cathartic medium.

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