Can You Legally Move Out at 17 in Texas?

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When children reach 17 years old, usually they think that they have a right to decide everything independently. One of them is to move out. However, sometimes this desire is not without a reason. Some children want to move out at this age because of some reasons such as for studying at a college which is far away from their house, wanting to be independent, and so on.

However, if you want to move out, you should know whether the law in your state permits it or not. How about in Texas? Is it acceptable for someone who is 17 years old to move out legally? Let’s read the explanation about moving out at 17 years old in Texas below.

Teenager Move Out at 17

Moving Out at 17 in Texas

If you are just 17 years old, live in Texas and you think that you can move out, wait. You need to know the law in Texas about it. Well, legally, you are not able to move out at 17 years old in Texas. The reason is because a 17-year-old child is considered under the age of majority. What does it mean? The age of majority, as explained on the Fair Punishment site, is defined as the legal age of someone who is defined as an adult and gets their rights and responsibilities related to adulthood.

The age of majority is 18 years old and it applies in the US including in Texas. So, if you are 17 years old now, it means that you are still under age and you cannot move out. It also means that you are still under the legal responsibility of your parents or guardian. Legally, they are the ones that have the responsibility to provide your needs such as residence, education, finance, care, and so on. So, you have to live with them until you are at least 18 years old.

However, does someone who is 17 years old really cannot move out in Texas? Actually, you can, but it can happen if you are in certain situations explained below.

The Situations that Allow You to Move Out at 17 in Texas

You are able to move out at 17 years old in Texas if you have your parents’ permission. Usually, people do this because they want to get ready and move for college and the college where they want to get into is far away from their house. Then, in the destination city, you are able to live with your relatives who live there until you are 18 years old.

Some other children want to move out when they are 17 years old because they do not get along with the people who live in their household. Let say they have a step mother or step father who is not nice and it makes them want to move out immediately. If this is the issue that you are facing, then you can move out to your close family or relatives, but of course with their permission. If you think that living with your parents now is dangerous such as they are very grumpy and even they often torture you and you feel scared of it, you are able to contact Child Protection Services for getting help. By contacting them, you will be able to move out and you will be protected in another place.

Another thing that can allow you to move out is emancipation where you appeal to the court so that you can legally be recognized as an adult before you reach the age of majority. If the court grants it, then you are able to use the rights of an adult even though you are still under 18 years old.

In Texas, some situations can make you have emancipation, for example getting married. If you get married before 18 years old and your parents permit it, you can legally move out. Another situation is when you join the armed forces before you are 18. Of course, you need to have your parents’ permission first before you apply to the armed forces.

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