Can a Felon Go on a Cruise?

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After felons are released from prison, they may have some restrictions. One of them is related to going on a cruise. Sometimes, it is difficult for them to enter some countries so they need to know the requirements for allowing them to be able to go on a cruise. But, is a felon able to go on a cruise? Let’s find out the answer.

a Felon Go on a Cruise

Is It Permissible for Felons to Go on a Cruise?

Can felons go on a cruise? Yes, they can do that. Felons who can go on a cruise are usually those who are permitted to fly and leave the United States. Felons who cannot get passports can choose to go on a cruise because there are some closed-loop cruises that do not require a passport such as Caribbean cruises.

However, before felons go on a cruise, they need to make sure that they are eligible for doing that. It is because there are felons who are not eligible for travelling at all. If you have a criminal record, you have to make sure whether you can go on a cruise or not by asking the cruise line.

Beside the type of felony, note that destination, the type of cruise, and ports are also several things that can determine whether a felon can go on a cruise or not. When sailing, the ship will stop at some ports and it becomes a problem for felons because not all ports can accept felons.

Have you heard about closed-loop cruises? Previously, this term has been mentioned. Did you know what it is? With a closed-loop cruise, felons can go on a cruise because the ship will leave from one port in the U.S., travels around and then make a loop and at the end, it will go back to the same port. As long as the ship does not leave the US, felons may be able to be on the voyage. For example, a cruise starts in Miami and then it travels around the Caribbean and it goes back to Miami. A closed-loop cruise usually requires you to have proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate and some other types of photo identifications issued by the government such as a driver’s license.

Rules in Some Countries About Going on a Cruise for Felons

There are some countries that do not allow people with a criminal record to go to these countries such as Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. So, felons cannot go to these countries. Because of the rules, Alaska sailings which have at least one Canadian port based on the Passenger Vessel Services Act, are prohibited for felons to join. As a result, Canada/ New England voyages, Mexican Riviera and California coastal sailings and then other cruises including these four countries are prohibited for felons. Here are the details about the rules about visiting those four countries and also the rules in two other countries namely UK and Bahamas.

1.   Rules in Australia

If you want to go to Australia, you need to get an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) so that you can enter Australia. If you go there on a cruise ship, you also need it. To be able to apply for an ETA, you need to meet the country’s character requirements. It may not be a problem if you had a minor offense in the past, but if you committed a serious crime such as sex crimes, murder, human trafficking and some other similar crimes, you may not be allowed to go to this country.

2.   Rules in Canada

According to Canada’s laws, this country bans people who have a criminal record from entering the country including on a cruise. Whether the crime that you did is minor or serious or how long ago it was committed, this rule applies. If you have a strong reason for visiting this country, you may have a chance to be able to visit the country, but you need to apply at a cost of $200, but there is no guarantee that you can get the approval.

3.   Rules in Mexico

According to Mexico’s laws, in general, people with a criminal record can go to this country as long as the crime is minor. If they committed a serious crime, they may not enter the country. In the law of this country, it is explained that serious offenses that can cause red flags such as terrorism, drug-related offenses, murder, smuggling, prison escape, tax fraud, human trafficking, aggravated robbery, vehicular theft and other offenses.

4.   Rules in New Zealand

Even though the citizens of the United States do not need visas to be able to go to New Zealand on cruise ships, getting New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) clearance is a must. So, people with criminal records may not be able to enter the country because entering the country, you need to get entry permission and also show that you have a good character. However, filing a waiver or special consideration request may be able to be done by people who have criminal records.

5.   Rules in the United Kingdom

Felons can enter the UK or not, it depends on several factors such as the nature of their conviction, etc. The law of UK immigration states that a person may be rejected to enter the country if they have been convicted of an offense where it causes them to be sentenced in a prison for at least 12 months in the last 5 to 10 years. But, note that the final decision whether a felon can enter their country or not, it depends on the UK Border Agency officers because they will consider every case by seeing some factors such as how old the offense is, the nature of offense, and the felon’s behavior.

6.   Rules in Bahamas

Felons are allowed to go on a cruise to the Bahamas. When felons go on a cruise there, they will not get any problems. However, make sure that the felons have served their time and they do not have probation restrictions. A passport card is needed to visit the Bahamas.

May Felons Go on an Open-Loop Cruise?

Different from closed-loop cruises which travel, loop and go back to the same port, an open-loop cruise will allow the ship to go from one port and then stops at ports in other countries. Since the cruise enters a foreign country, the passengers need to have a passport.

So, may felons go on an open-loop cruise? It depends. As explained earlier, there are some countries that ban felons from entering their countries. If the country that you are going to does not accept felons, it means that felons cannot join this cruise.

The Things Felons Can Do to Go on a Cruise

If you have a criminal record and you want to go on a cruise, but you are afraid that you are banned for doing it, there are several things to do to be able to go on a cruise.

1.   Communicate with a Cruise Travel Agency

When you want to go on a cruise, you can go to a cruise travel agency and tell them that you want to voyage. Here, you also need to tell that you have a criminal record. The agency may help you to find a cruise that allows people with a criminal record for doing it.

2.   Contact a Cruise Line

Another way that you can do to be able to go on a cruise is to contact a cruise line. If you can go on a voyage because you pass the screening, then you can do it and it is better for you to choose a closed-loop cruise because it is easier for you to be eligible. However, if you want to do an open-loop cruise, you can ask them about the recommendations that are suitable for you.

3.   Communicate with Your Parole Officer

You can also communicate with your parole officer about your desire to go on a cruise. They may have some advice about what you need to do as someone with a criminal record.

Policies of Some Cruise Lines Regarding Felons

Every cruise has its own policies regarding felons and here are the policies related to it in three cruise lines.

1.   Carnival Cruise

Carnival cruise allows felons to go on a cruise with them. However, they need to pay attention to the guest screening policy where it states that there may be a possibility for them to be denied boarding if they did certain felonies. Here are the statements of Carnival cited from its official website.

“Carnival is committed to a safe environment for our guests and crew and reserves the right to deny boarding to any persons convicted of certain crimes which may include but are not limited to; aggravated physical assault, sexual assault, and other sexual offenses, armed robbery and related offenses, and other violent or immoral crimes. Carnival also reserves the right to access public records containing information about any felonious convictions as part of its guest screening, and to cancel a booking and/or deny embarkation at any time to any individual who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to these crimes. In the event of such cancellation or denial, the affected individual’s sole recourse shall be a refund of the amount paid to Carnival for that individual’s own booking, without entitlement to any further damages, loss, expenses, credit, or compensation whatsoever.”

2.   Royal Caribbean Cruise

It seems that in Royal Caribbean Cruise, felons can go on a cruise because if we look at the policy, they do not explain that felons are banned. However, for making sure about it, you can communicate with them about your criminal record.

3.   Disney Cruise Line

In the terms and conditions of Disney Cruise Line, it is said that they reserve the right to deny passage to guests with criminal background. However, it is not clear whether all felons are banned or only for serious crimes. So, before you book a cruise in this line, it is better for you to confirm about it.

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