Can You Do JPay Video Visit on Android Phone?

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JPay is one of the best things for the inmates and their families and friends. This one always wants to make sure that the inmates and their families and friends can get in touch with each other. Due to its dedication, it is not surprising that a lot of people use JPay.

One of the services that are offered by JPay for the inmates and their families and friends is video visitation, which is called Video Connect. When visiting the inmates at their correctional facility can be hard due the security procedures can be strict or due to the current pandemic when most people are formed to do most of their daily activities at home to prevent the virus from spreading, JPay Video Connect can be a good option. With this service, everyone who is outside the bar is allowed to talk face to face with their loved one who is currently behind the bar.

If you have a loved one that is currently behind the bar and are interested in using JPay Video Connect, you may be wondering about a few things. One of the things that you may be wondering is whether you are able to do a JPay video visit on your Android phone. So, can you do a JPay video visit on an Android phone?

According to JPay Video Connect Terms of Service, in order to participate in a JPay Video Connect session, you must have internet service, a website that has a headset or speakers and a microphone. Aside from that, you can also use a smartphone with the same functionality. From the information, it can be concluded that it is allowed for you to do a JPay video visit on an Android phone as it is considered a smartphone. It should be fine as long as the phone has the same functionality.

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As you already know that you are allowed to do a JPay video visit on an Android phone, do not wait to schedule a session. For your information, it is a must for you to schedule a session if you want to meet your loved one through JPay Video Connect. After scheduling a session, you cannot do it right away as you will have to wait until it is approved by the facility where your loved one is located.

How long can you talk face to face with your loved one through JPay Video Connect? According to the official website of JPay, the duration and availability for Video Connect sessions depends on correctional facilities. It means it can be different from one facility to another. Aside from the duration and availability, the rates can also be different depending on the correctional facilities. If you want to know about the availability and pricing, you are suggested to use the map or see the list of the states that can be found at here.

For more information about JPay Video Connect, please visit the official website of JPay. If you have something to ask, call (800) 574-JPAY (5729).

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