How to Get JPay Tablet Unlock Code

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To help individuals in prison stay connected with their family and friends, JPay offers a flexible tablet. Also, JPay provides access to education and courses to prepare them for success after incarceration. By the way, how to get the JPay tablet unlock code? Well, let us find out the way to get the JPay tablet unlock code by reading the text below.

How to Get the JPay Tablet Unlock Code?

Need to know that the JPay tablet must sync every 30 days. Therefore, the inmates must sync their JPay tablets with the kiosk at least once every 30 days. If this action is not completed, then their JPay tablet will be locked. If so, the inmates need to open a Help Ticket via the Communications Center on the kiosk to get their JPay Tablet unlocked. Thus, for those who are inmates, you need to ensure that your JPay tablet syncs every 30 days.

For the inmates who have been released, of course, you are able to do the same way to get your JPay tablet unlocked. Usually, after the inmate is released from the prison, then the inmates are going to take their JPay tablet. The JPay tablet will be sent by JPay after an inmate is released to unlock it, so that the JPay tablet owner will continue using the content purchased when incarcerated.

If you have been released from the jail or prison, and want to send your JPay tablet back to unlock code, you are able to contact JPay. You are able to send an email to them. Remember that you have to include your name, previous ID #, a phone number to contact you with the status of the JPay Tablet and also a mailing address to return the unlocked code JPay tablet. After your JPay tablet is unlocked, then you are able to connect it to a computer to upload your media downloads as well as add new media to the device.

Some Services Available on JPay Tablet

How to Get JPay Tablet Unlock Code

Apparently, there are some services available on the JPay tablet. For an inmate, when you purchase a JPay tablet from a kiosk in your facility, then you are going to get several services from the JPay tablet.

Here are some services available on JPay tablet:

Music Products

  • With a JPay tablet, the inmates will be able to listen to purchased songs.
  • The inmates are able to purchase and download songs from an abbreviated catalog.
  • There is a FM radio tuner on each tablet (Free)

Movie / Content Rentals

The inmates are able to watch certain movies on the JPay tablet.


With a JPay tablet, the inmates will be able to compose and send emails. Warning: Emails with text just cost 1 JPay Stamp. Initially, the inmates are going to receive 4 JPay stamps per month for free.

  • With a JPay tablet, the inmates will be able read and receive emails (no cost).
  • With a JPay tablet, the inmates will be able to see photos (when available).
  • With a JPay tablet, the inmates will be able to view VideoGrams (when available)


There are many games on the JPay tablet. Therefore, the inmates are going to have the ability to play a game on their JPay tablet. On the JPay tablet, the additional games can be purchased if needed.

Offender Request Services

  • Grievances
  • Medical Service Request
  • Communication with Classification Team

Educational Content

  • On the JPay tablet, the inmates are able to find KA Lite educational videos.
  • Daily news feeds like a newspaper are available at a minimal cost.
  • On the JPay tablet, EBooks are also available at a minimal cost.
  • There are educational tasks through the school.

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