Example of Slogan About Mental Health and Psychological Well Being Awareness

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It is important for everyone to understand about mental health and psychological well being awareness. It is because when they or someone that they know have mental disorders, they can quickly go to a specialist and then treat it. If someone with mental disorders is not treated, they may be able to do something that can endanger themselves and others.

Now, there are also people who campaign about mental health and psychological well being awareness. They do the campaign because they care for everyone with mental disorders and they also want others to avoid this by doing several positive things.

Well, if you are one of the people who want to campaign about mental health and psychological well being awareness and now you need the examples of slogans about it, here, I have some of them that I took from other online sources.

The List of Slogans About Mental Health and Psychological Well Being Awareness

According to the Best Slogans site, here are the list of slogans about mental health and psychological well being awareness.

  • A healthy body should include, mental wellness and positive mood
  • To be healthy as a whole, mental wellness plays a role
  • To be healthy as a whole, your mental health plays a very vital role
  • Don’t ignore your mental health, it is a bad as a cancer
  • Money is important but not more than your mental health
  • Let’s learn to talk about mental health and take a step forward as a society
  • Mental health is preserved wealth
  • We take care of our dental health but not out mental health
  • Peace of mind allows positive mental health
  • Mental health first money second
  • Take control over emotions to take control of your mental health
  • Early to bed, early to rise keeps you healthy wealthy and wise
  • No discrimination in mental health
  • Just for the health of it
  • Health is not appreciated until sickness comes
  • Spreading awareness, one step at a time
  • You can’t enjoy wealth if you are not in good health
  • Healthy lifestyle to the core
  • Better health through better living
  • The greatest wealth is health
  • Integrative health and wellness
  • Daily stress can leave your health a mess
  • Your emotion can take a toll, to your health it plays a role
  • Your mind is important to your health, it is more important than any wealth
  • Mind your health
  • A healthy mind, is the greatest treasure to find
  • Mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is
  • Each time you set a healthy boundary, you say yes to more freedom
  • Mental illness is not a personal failure
  • There is no shame in taking medication for mental illness, do whatever works for you
  • Never do something which exploits your mental peace
  • Your mental illness doesn’t define you but your fight with it will definitely do it
  • The best medication for mental illness is to make them feel comfortable about it
  • Mental illness doesn’t make you weak, the fight with it makes you strong
  • Mental illness doesn’t change you. You are still who you were.
  • Mental illness is not contagious. You won’t catch it by being kind.
  • A healthy mind signifies a healthy body
  • Mental illness doesn’t define you it rather refines you
  • Ignoring mental illness is a big blunder
  • Mental illness is not equal to failure
  • Fight mental illness it makes you strong
  • Communication makes you mentally fit
  • Never hide mental illness
  • Help fight mental illness
  • Patience is a weapon to fight mental illness
  • Love and care is a solution for mental illness
  • A healthy mind is an asset
  • Fight stress to fight mental illness
  • Mental illness doesn’t signify weakness
  • A strong will can overcome mental ill
  • Share a smile it reduces mental pain
  • Mental illness, it’s time to talk
  • Mental illness cannot measure your actual value
  • Mental illness is not being lazy
  • Expression emotion reduced mental pain
  • They say mental illness is invisible, but it can be seen in you
  • Good friends kick out mental illness
  • Your mental illness is not your identity
  • Mental illness is not your life, it’s just a temporary part
  • Mental health: stop exclusion, dare to care
  • Overcoming mental illness is a choice, not a mental illness itself
  • Don’t regret what you ate, eat healthy and feel great
  • Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness
  • Better you will feel if you eat a healthy meal
  • Eat a healthy meal to help your body heal
  • A healthy body eats healthy food
  • Healthy food try to find to nourish your body and mind
  • Think of what you put in your mouth, that’s what healthy eating is all about
  • To prevent future dismay, start healthy eating today
  • You will feel so grand, when you have healthy food in your hand
  • Stay strong, live long
  • To your body be kind, keep healthy in mind
  • Healthy mind lives in a healthy body
  • Show you care be aware
  • Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury, it’s an absolute necessity
  • It’s your future, be there happy and healthy
  • See you in your healthy-self
  • When everything feels like an uphill, just think positive and have a strong will
  • Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion
  • Enjoy your life, don’t live with strife
  • I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do
  • It is those of use who have been broken that become experts at mending
  • It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart
  • Pain is real. But so is hope.
  • Self-forgiveness is essential for self-healing
  • Surviving a psychiatric crisis is one thing. Overcoming one is something completely different
  • Your struggle is part of your story
  • Only protection to aid is awareness
  • From illness to wellness
  • There is always a bright sunny morning waiting for you after a stormy night
  • Depression is a flaw in chemistry not a character
  • Why do you have to be ashamed of it, it’s a disorder not a decision

And here are some mental health slogans according to the SlogansHub site.

  • To think too much is a disease
  • This feeling will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.
  • Let’s accept it as a medical condition and not as a social stigma
  • True suffering is being trapped in your own head
  • Don’t bury emotions, let it flow
  • Shape your mind to shape your future
  • Mental illness makes you strong
  • Because we are here to help, not to judge
  • Maybe I am a dreamer but I wish mental health treatment was as easy as to get a gun
  • Be brave and it will pass by
  • Because you should fight your demons
  • Patience is a weapon to fight mental illness
  • It’s your battle, but you don’t need to fight alone

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