How to Become an American State Nationalist

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Do you have a friend who is a U.S. national and you are wondering if you can also be the one? For anyone who wants to know whether you can become a U.S. nationalist, make sure to read the whole page so that you can understand everything.

About a U.S. National

A United States national is the term to call someone who was born in the outlying possessions of the United States. American Samoa and Swains Islands are included in these places. These people are under the protection of the U.S. government, even though they don’t share the same right as the U.S. states.

American State Nationalist

It is also possible for you to be considered as a U.S. national but not a U.S. citizen if both of your parents were born in American Samoa or Swains Island and those two lived in the United States before you arrived in this world. There is no need for you to be born in American Samoa or Swains Islands to be a U.S. national.

In some cases, it is also possible for you to be considered as a U.S national if only one of your parents was born in American Samoa or Swains Islands and lived in the United States. In this case, the parent would need to meet certain residency requirements.

In addition, there may be several people who may still be considered U.S. nationals as they were born in the Philippines or Guam. This status will be held by those who were born in the Philippines before 1946 or in Guam before 1950.

Apart from that, a United States national also refers to an individual who owes their sole allegiance to the United States. It includes those who are not considered as United States citizens and United States citizens.

Way to Become a U.S National

Actually, there is no specific way or certain steps to follow to become a U.S. national, unlike becoming a U.S. citizen. As mentioned above, one can be a U.S. national if they were born in the outlying possessions of the United States or if their parents, either both or only one of them, were born in American Samoa or Swains Islands before they were born. In addition, they can also be considered U.S. nationals if they were born in the Philippines before 1946 or in Guam before 1950.

Way to Become a U.S. Citizen as a U.S. National

As you cannot change the place where you were born or the place where your parents were born, it is pretty hard to become a U.S. national if you were not born with it. It means it is safe to say that it is easier for you to become a U.S. citizen than a U.S. national.

If you are here because you are a U.S. national who wants to become a U.S. citizen, check out what you should do to be one below:

It is easier for a U.S. national like you to become a U.S. citizen compared to foreign nationals. Unlike foreign nationals who must live in the United States as green card holders for 3-5 years before applying for naturalization, you only have to meet the residency requirements after only 3 months.

After living in the United States for at least 3 months, you can follow the steps to acquire citizenship that are also usually followed by the other immigrants below:

  1. First of all, you should complete the USCIS Form N-400 – Application for Naturalization.
  2. Once you have completed everything, submit it.
  3. Then, attend your scheduled interview.
  4. After that, pass the civics and English tests.
  5. Next, take part in a biometrics exam in order to verify your identity.
  6. Lastly, attend your citizenship ceremony and swear an Oath of Allegiance to the United States.

Keep in mind that it is not always needed for you to become a U.S. citizen, as staying as a U.S. national may be enough, even if you have a plan to live in the United States for a long time. However, if you want to participate at the higher levels of government, such as voting or serving, then you should go through the naturalization process.

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