10 Tips for Those Who Suffer from Anxiety and Worry

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Feeling restless is tiring. It is something that is not easy to deal with. All that you have to keep in mind is that you are not alone and there are many people around you who feel the same way. If you often feel anxious, it is important for you to know how to control it. The process is not instant and easy. However, you surely can do it.

1. Control Breathing Patterns

Usually, chronic anxiety symptoms are associated with poor breathing patterns. It is not only about “take a deep breath and let it go”. For this method, you can try taking slow breaths. There is no need for you to hurry. After that, take controlled, slow breaths using the following method:

  • Inhale slowly through your nose for five to seven seconds.
  • Hold for three or four seconds.
  • Exhale slowly for seven to nine seconds.
  • If you can, exhale with your lips like you are whistling.

Repeat this technique as needed, maybe 10-20 times. It helps you not to hyperventilate or breathe too fast. Besides, you can also balance oxygen and carbon dioxide levels that usually cause symptoms of severe anxiety.

2. Talk to Someone that Is Close To You

The next method to reduce anxiety is talking to someone. That person should be not just someone that you know, but the one that you trust and care about you. Just say how you feel and the reason why you are worried. If someone comes to your mind right away, then it’s that person.

Talking to someone who is kind and cares about you will help you not to focus too much on your symptoms. With their support, you can restore your confidence. If you feel panic, feeling confident will help you to feel that there is someone with you.

3. Try Aerobics

In short, running will make you calmer. When you are worried, your body will be filled with adrenaline. By using that adrenaline for aerobic activity, anxiety will be relieved. Below are several things that aerobic exercise can do:

  • Reduce stress hormones
  • Reduce overwork and tension, which results in making you more relaxed
  • Release substances (endorphins) that make the mood better
  • Become a healthy diversion of mind

Jogging can reduce the level of your anxiety and anxiety symptoms.

4. Do Things that Make You Calm

In life, you surely have several things that make you more relaxed. You can drink a cup of coffee with the sunset view or take a bath with warm water. Write down the things that make you relax so that you will know what to do when you feel anxious.

5. Aroma Therapy

Fragrant oils derived from plants are widely used to relieve anxiety. They will make you feel better because they release serotonin compounds from the brain. It is better for you to use a diffuser, inhaler, or other tool that can be used. Aside from that, you can also put drops on your hands and inhale for more or less the same effect. Feel free to apply it behind your neck, wrist, over your heart, behind your ear, or in a vein (Carotid Artery) in your neck. However, make sure to dilute it with avocado, olive, almond, or other oils to your liking. If it is for infants, the elderly, or someone who does not feel well, make sure to dilute it even more.

Not only that, you should also make sure that the oil you use is pure and not mixed with other chemicals. Feel free to use the one that is affordable and suits your taste. You might want to consider oils with lavender fragrance first and then continue with those available on the market.

6. Learn to Control Your Mind When You’re Anxious

Anxiety is not the kind of thing that will appear suddenly. Sometimes, your mind is full of negative things without control. For instance, when you are worried about speaking in public. These thoughts can sometimes be controlled by learning how to stop the cause of anxiety.

While it is easy to say, in fact, it is not in practice. However, there are some strategies that you can try, such as:

 A List of Questions:

When you are feeling anxious, ask yourself some questions. The more questions you ask, the more you understand that your thoughts will become more realistic. However, do not forget to include these following questions:

  1. Is there any reason to believe that something is wrong?
  2. What is the reason that something is going wrong?
  3. Is there any possibility that I’m exaggerating this?

Feel free to add your own questions. In addition, you can also see it from the website.

Affirmation/Self Strengthening:

Remember that this method will not work for everyone. However, it can be especially useful for the affected person. Affirmations refer to things you say to yourself to feel better, such as:

  1. I’m fine. This is just anxiety and it will surely pass.
  2. I have a great life and cannot wait to face tomorrow.
  3. My anxiety will not control me.

Familiarizing Yourself with Physical Symptoms:

The majority of thoughts that contribute to anxiety are not considered thoughts, but rather physical experiences. It might make more sense if you have had a panic attack, a thing that results from a sensation you never experience when you are anxious. Getting used to these symptoms when you are not feeling anxious can help you.

For instance:

  1. Dizzy: If feeling dizzy makes you panic, spin around and make yourself feel even more dizzy (when you are not worried).
  2. Heartbeat: If your heartbeat gives you a panic attack, run in one place as fast as you can until your heart rate slows down (when not anxious).

In addition, there are also some other methods that will familiarize you with the causes of panic attacks. It is better for you to look for exposure therapy, one that is more or less the same as the previous method.

7. Listen to Songs That Make Your Mood Better

While it might sound odd, music can make your mood better. However, do not just choose the song that you like. Try to choose the one that represents the feeling you want to feel.

A lot of people say that they find it more relaxing to listen to angry songs when they are feeling angry. Sadly, the music connects you to the emotion of the song. If you are eager to stop your anxiety, make sure to listen to a song that matches the feeling that you want.

If you want to relax, listen to relaxing songs such as at a café like Lofia or Twilight-type Indie. As for those who want to feel positive and happy, you know what song you are looking for.

8. Learn about Grounding Technique

When you are feeling anxious or having a panic attack, you can do grounding techniques to help you to get back in control of yourself. Let’s learn about two methods first. Feel free to practice them when you do not feel anxious. When you feel anxious and the symptoms start to appear, this technique will feel natural and makes more sense.

The first technique is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This one is a technique that can help you relax. A person who feels anxious will have a feeling of tension in their body throughout the day. This technique is also helpful for you to release that tension and feel more relaxed, so you can deal with anxiety when it occurs. The more often you practice, the easier and faster this technique will be. This first technique is really easy. You can just tense the muscles of a certain group and then release or relax.

The second technique is Body Scan. The purpose of this one is to increase awareness of what is happening in your body. It does not focus on feelings, but on the sensations you feel, such as warm, tight, cold, and so on. For this technique, all that you have to do is to lie down and breathe. You can start by being aware of the sensations in your back. Then, move on to the sensations felt by the soles of your feet, and then slowly move up to your feet, stomach, chest, arms, up to your head.

9. Make Love

Making love is important for many reasons, including reducing anxiety. By doing this activity, your attention will be caught by psychological activity that releases endorphins. It will make your and your partner more relaxed and less tense.

For those who have a special one who understands that you are suffering from anxiety, then it is fine for you to seek help from them. To ease the anxiety from both of you, you two have to understand each other and be on a suitable level.

If you do not have that special one, then you can do it yourself. Doing it yourself is the same as doing it with someone because it has the same benefits and releases the same endorphins into your brain.

10. Live and Focus on the Present

While it is true that it is easier said than done, you have to live in the moment. Try to recognize that anxiety is a normal part of life. It is the kind of thing that everyone feels without exception. Anxiety is not good if it bothers your daily life.

When you focus too much on fear and worry about your future being taken away, your current time will seem to be gone. Your days will change to “living with anxiety” and not “living naturally”. By learning to accept feelings of anxiety, you will feel how beautiful and exciting this moment is.

If you have this thought, then you are great. Try to accept the world as it is and take it for granted. By having this in mind, you will find that your anxiety will decrease. Even though it is not a permanent remedy, it is close.

Bottom Line

Actually, there is no permanent cure for anxiety because having anxiety is a natural part of the human experience. However, you might need this information when you have someone that is close to you who is currently suffering from anxiety and worry.

Get ready to face and learn yourself during your journey. Do not hesitate to seek help from someone if you need help, because they will gladly help you.

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