For those who are planning to enroll in a psychology major, you may want to consider the list of some most fun psychology courses in undergraduate study programs below. By considering the list, you will be able to have fun while studying psychology. Everything listed here is based on Adrian Suwondo’s opinion from Kampus Psikologi.
- Basic Psychology
Basic psychology is known as the most basic psychology course. This one is usually available in the first semester. It is a must for every psychology student in some universities such as UGM, UI, Undip, and Unpad to take this course. By taking this course, you will get to know about the early history of psychology, early theories, approaches to treating patients, and some other topics. Basically, everything that you want to know about basic psychology will be explained here.
- Code of Ethics
Code of ethics is an initial course. Everyone who studies psychology will have to take this course as it is one of the most important courses to be a scientist or psychologist. It is such an exciting course. By taking this course, you will be able to learn about the early development of the code of ethics in the world. Apart from that, you will also be explained about cases of violations of the code ethics that have occurred in the past. By learning these things, you will be able to find out what moral values have been violated and how they can be prevented from happening. In addition, you will also be given insight into the psychological code of ethics that exists in Indonesia and in other countries.
- Theories of Personality
As you can guess, in the theories of personality course, you will learn about theories of personality from different experts and how these experts make observations to form the theory until it is known until now. Everything will be explained in detail.
- Biopsychology
By taking biopsychology, you will be taught about psychology from a biological perspective. Several things that you will learn include the nervous system, chemical events, development in the brain, and so on. In addition, you will also learn about the use of drugs in therapy.
- Range of Human Development
Range of human development is one of the most exciting courses. By taking this course, you will be able to explore how the development process that exists within the body starts from the womb to the elderly in some different perspectives. One of the perspectives is the psychological perspective. In this course, you will also learn how psychology is influenced both environmentally and biologically.
- Cognitive Psychology
In the cognitive psychology course, you will get to know about how humans work in the process of each of their actions. Everything will be described in detail, including how humans still remember the past, how humans solve everyday problems that occur in lives, how humans make choices, and so on. In the end, you will be more aware of what humans do and think.
- Basic Assessment
Basic assessment is the next most exciting psychology course. This one will teach you how to be a good student who has the ability to assess participants, clients, or subjects. This course will help you learn how to be more socially sensitive, how to improve your communication skills, how to approach people to find information, and how to get to know your participants, clients, or subjects more deeply. In order to give you competency in conducting assessments, it includes a practicum.
- Psychology of Communication
Psychology of communication is one of the most fun courses as you will be taught about the way to communicate. Besides, you will also learn how communication works. There are several kinds of communications that will be discussed, including public-mass communication, persuasive, intercultural, and so on. This course is important to do assessment.
- Internet Psychology
Internet psychology is one of the most popular courses. The reason why it is popular is because of the rapid development of the internet. In this modern era, everyone cannot be separated with internet. In this course, the internet is discussed in terms of psychology. The discussions start from the topic of language, interaction, attention and some other topics.
- Social Psychology
By taking social psychology, you will be taught how the social forms that exist in life are connected in a psychological perspective. A few things that will be able to be studied include stereotypes, social perception, aggression, leadership, and many more. In fact, many people want to choose psychology as they want to learn about this topic.
These are 10 most fun psychology courses according to Adrian Suwondo from Kampus Psikologi. Actually, almost every psychology course is fun and interesting to follow, as per the author.
A bookworm and researcher especially related to law and citizenship education. I spend time every day in front of the internet and the campus library.