Natural Remedies for Anger and Irritability

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Many people are struggling to control their anger, putting them in a tense situation. If anger is not controlled, not only harmful to you, it’s also harmful to your counterparts. Basically, anger itself is not a problem, but it arises when your anger becomes uncontrollable.

However, anger can be reduced through a number of methods. Not only taking into a treatment or psychiatric, you can also treat your anger by consuming or using some natural herbs near you. Don’t believe it? Okay, you can dive into our post to get the proof. Let’s check it out!

Natural Remedies for Anger and Irritability

What Are Natural Remedies that Can Control Your Anger and Irritability?

According to some sources, treating your anger can evidently be used by natural remedies. The natural remedies here can refer to natural herbs that you can find easily around your home. In addition to natural herbs, the natural remedies to treat your anger and irritability could also be natural treatment at home.

Method 1: Treat your anger by using natural herbs

It has been known that herbs can be used in various ways, but an optimal outcome actually depends on some variables such as how and where it was grown. Certainly, the part of the plant used and the form available and also the method or preparation used.

According to, there are a number of natural herbs that can be alternative ways of treating your anger. However, prior to using these natural herbs to treat your anger, you may need to figure out the contra-indications, modus operandi, botanical descriptions, interactions, warnings, side-effects and many more.

It’s important to note, a certain natural herb may contain a variety of active ingredients and thus exhibit a range of properties, i.e., agrimony is known to aid various liver, digestive and kidney problems.

Before taking any natural herbs, you may need to read the information related to the important considerations one must be aware of. Today, you can find natural herbs you can use to treat your anger in the form of capsule, extract, tablet and also herbal tea/ loose dried herb forms.

Here are the following natural herbs that you can use to treat your anger:

1) Agrimonia or Agrimony

Agrimonia or Agrimony

Agrimonia is a member of the rose family that is believed to treat your anger. Many people have used this herb to reduce anxiety, fear, pain, tension and also facilitate sound sleep. Agrimonia can be served in tea by using 2 teaspoons of dried Agrimony per cup of boiling water. Then, steep for 10 minutes and strain and drink 2 cups daily.

2) Ashwagandha


Ashwagandha is also known as Withania somnifera/ Indian Ginseng or Winter Cherry. In addition to controlling your anger, it can also be used as antidepressant and sedative qualities. The root of Ashwagandha can also be used medicinally.

3) Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle is also better known as Cnicus Benedictus/ St. Benedict’s Thistle or Holy Thistle. It can be used to control anger and reduce stress, depression and liver support. You can take herbal tea twice or three times from dried Blessed daily.

4) Burdock


The root of burdock is commonly used to help support the liver and balances emotional disturbance. This natural herb can also be used to treat and control your anger. You can make a cup of herbal tea from 1 tablespoon crushed Burdock root per cup of boiling water. Steep it for 10 minutes and strain. Better to drink 2 cups daily.

5) Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabidiol CBD is well-known as natural herbs as a legal natural remedy in an increasing number of states and countries for numerous applications and conditions, such as countering anxiety, anti-inflammatory, depression and pain.

6) Catnip


Catnip or Netepa cateria can be used to help treat anger, anxiety and promote relaxation. You can consume Catnip in herbal tea or a mixture of herbs such as equal parts of catnip, raspberry, spearmint or alternatively lemon balm and catnip. It’s important to note, this herb is not used in pregnancy or when nursing.

7) Chamomile or Camomile

Chamomile or Camomile

Over past years, Chamomile has been proven as natural herbs that can calm anxiety, reduce stress and treat anger. Aside from that, it also helps relax muscles, aids sleep and soothes pain. You can consume Chamomile in a cup of tea by dipping 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile for 10 minutes into a cup of boiling water. It would be better to drink 3 cups daily.

Okay, those are some natural herbs you can use to treat your anger. Of course, there are still a number of natural herbs you can consume to treat your anger.

Method 2: Basic Treatment at Home

In addition to consuming natural herbs, you may also need to do basic treatment at home to treat your anger. Doing basic treatment at home is also categorized into natural remedies. Generally, natural remedies are safe to use alongside more conventional and medical therapies.

Here are some basic treatments you can do at home:

1) Exercise

That said, exercise is a great way to treat your anger and research tends to support this use. By exercising your body, it will flow positively to your mind and body, so you can more easily control your anger.

2) Meditation

You can also need to take meditation if you want to easily treat your anger. However, it really helps you to slow racing thoughts and make it easier to manage your stress and anxiety. One of the most popular meditations you can take is yoga.

3) Relaxation Exercise

Some people unconsciously tense their muscles in response to anxiety. Of course, the progressive relaxation exercise can really help them to control their anger. What you can do is to try lying in a cozy place and position and slowly constricting and relaxing each muscle group, starting with the toes and working up to the jaw and shoulders.

4) Time management strategies

To treat your anger or anxiety, you can try to manage your time. This strategy can really help people to focus on one task at a time. You may need to list your plan and the duration of time to do your every plan. So, you can easily and effectively manage your time.

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