What is Morality and Why is It Important?

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In life, one of the most important things that we should have is the sense of morality. So, what is morality and why is it important? Find out everything about morality and the reasons why it is important below.

According to a German philosopher named Immanuel Kant, morality is not defined by the consequences of our actions, our emotions, or an external factor. It is defined by duties and one’s action is moral if it is an act motivated by duty. According to him, the only thing that is good in itself is good will. This kind of will is the one that drives our actions and grounds the intention of our act. It is a good thing when it acts from duty. Basically, this philosopher thinks good will is the only thing that is intrinsically valuable. Thinking about the other goods and things that are valued by us is not good without qualification. For instance, we value knowledge. However, it can be used to commit crimes around the world. That’s why knowledge is good sometimes. The same thing can be said of courage. We all value courage. However, suicide bomber also has courage. It means courage can only be good sometimes. Once again, Kant claims that good will is the only thing good without qualification or the only thing that is intrinsically good. It means the will is a good will provided it acts from duty.

What is Morality and Why is It Important

Why is morality so important? There are a number of reasons that make morality important. Below are some reasons given by the professionals:

    • Derek A. Colvin (Attorney, The Law Dept)

According to Derek A. Colvin, morality is the key to peace and success. What is ironic is the fact that people often disagree about what is morally right and wrong. In fact, morality is a simple concept of doing the right thing for the right reason. The statement means treating people equally and being fair and even-handed in life and business. It is clearly an extra mantra to live by. In his profession, morality is not always a highlighted attribute to the public.

This point is illustrated by a lot of lawyer jokes, which is somewhat ironic. The laws in the United States are forged by concepts of morality, and within the legal community, there is nothing more important than honesty and integrity.

Aside from being the key to peace and success, Derek A. Colvin also thinks that morality is also important because it can lead to good lawyering and can create a positive culture. Good lawyers are aware that good advocacy does not require a compromise of moral principles. The line that should not be crossed is always there.

Legal advocates can be considered strong if they can protect their clients from the good, the bad, and the in between without having to scarify values. It leads to good lawyering. Besides, it can also create a positive culture in every avenue of business and life.

    • Robert Puharich (Teacher, Digital Marketer, Associate Producer, Tats Talks)

Robert Puharich thinks that morality is a term that has become blurry with time. When in the phase of developing society and culture, morality seemed to be the basis for which people lived. Everything was about doing the right thing, helping and caring for others, and being the best one we can be. As the time passed, everything changed. Now, money dominates, sexuality becomes public, and supporting others is a personal choice, usually when we want. This does not mean morality has lost its value.

According to Robert Puharich, morality is self-fulfilling. Keep in mind that there is no one that is more important to you than you. Living a moral and quality life will affect nothing but prolong life and quality. As for doing the right thing for yourself, it will make you feel good about yourself.

Aside from that, Robert Puharich also thinks that morality is important for society. One of the reasons is because it can influence the youth. In addition, he also believes that morality has lasting effects on everyone.

    • Alan Ahdoot (Legal Specialist, Adamson Ahdoot LLP)

Alan Ahdoot thinks morality matters because it is not easy to win back the trust that people gave when you have lied to them even once. Fundamentally, people always expect the other ones to be honest with them. Honesty is located between what is right and what is wrong. When people find out that a person has not been honest to them, the perception of them is ruined.

    • Mark Severino (Real Estate Investor, Architect of Acquisitions & Founder, Best Texas House Buyers)

Mark Severino says that he learned about morality from his father. The man was afflicted with polio and grew up physically handicapped when he was young. What is sad is that he never got to do a few things, including playing ball, wrestling, and running around the park with his father. He says his father could not teach him the way to ride a bicycle or to shoot a basket. He used to live a life where he could not do a lot of things by himself. From that, he learned the world is an unfair place.

Mark Severino thinks that morality is important because it is our code that we live by and how we ultimately interact with the world. With this thing, he could be bitter and angry because he had missed out on the idyllic childhood seen in every sitcom. Fortunately, he did care about morality and was taught the way to frame life lessons. He believes that the world is unfair. That’s why we must raise each other. While it is true that the world is unfair, you can make it a little bit better for another human being if you have it in your power. The chance is there whenever you get in touch with people. For instance, if it is the time for you to pay for services, do it with appropriate compensation for work well done.

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