5 Reasons Why Women Have an Affair According to Psychology

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Everyone expects that they can have a loyal partner in their romantic relationship. However, not all couples are loyal. Some of them have an affair and when it happens, it can hurt their heart, make them angry, disappointed, and they will not believe in their spouse again and even they may not be confident again because they have given the best, but they do not receive the same things from their spouse.

When there is an affair in a relationship, it can have a negative impact. It can also increase depression where it can affect someone’s mental health who become a victim of having an affair.

Whatever the reason is, having an affair is not the right thing. There are a lot of reasons why having an affair in a relationship can happen as you are able to read below where the source is from the Kampus Psikologi site.

5 Reasons Why Women Have an Affair

  1. Intrapersonal Factor

The cause of having an affair is not only because of external factors, but there are also intrapersonal factors as character of the cheater. Intrapersonal factor, as is explained by Messripour et al., (2016) is divided into 3 characters of women who do an affair, as you are able to read below.

Sensation Seeker

One of the important factors in predicting an affair is sensation seeking. This character is the reaction to the frustration that she suffers from herself. Characteristics of personality of people who are seeking sensation is associated with the sexual risk and impulsive.

Women have more sexual partners and tend to be permissive towards sex. Someone who likes seeking attention often to the opposite sex, it can be one of the characteristics of a cheater.

Low Self-Esteem and Bad Self-Image

Women who have low self-esteem and bad self-image will have an affair by looking for another relationship to prove her high self-esteem and good self-image. They want to keep and strengthen their self-esteem and self-image by involving themselves in having an affair.

Stressed Happiness

If women have stressed happiness, it is in line with a non-responsive act from their spouse. It refers to unwanted emotion which is ignored by the spouse. When a woman expresses her love to her husband, but the husband does not give a good response.

Let’s say that a woman says “I love you” and her husband answers “we are not teenagers who have to say it to their partner”. This response is bad for women. Even though some people consider that this is not an important thing, but the thing that must be noted is that this kind of feeling needs to be expressed to grow affection for a spouse.

  1. Emotional Needs and Dissatisfaction in Relationship

In a research done by Messripour et al., (2016), if emotional need is not fulfilled, it is considered as basic theory from marital discord. When there is a problem with the failure in fulfilling women’s emotional needs, it can be the reason why having an affair happens.

Women who do not last longer in a long relationship will often be associated with decreased satisfaction in a relationship (Glass & Wright, 1977). There are also other investigations that emphasized that female infidelity is closely linked to conflict and dissatisfaction in relationships.

  1. Instability and Differences in Value

Lack of coordination and instability in shared goals become factors in infidelity (Messripour et al., 2016).  The manifestation of this instability is likely to create a new relationship with another person to balance goals. If someone is in this instability, they believe that their relationship has little capacity to expand.

It is important to coordinate about the goals of a relationship. Tolerating differences in values or principles will give chances for our partner to understand each other about the meaning of togetherness to complement each other.

  1. Sexual Reason

Sexual factor can be a reason for betrayal for married couples. People who are not satisfied with their sexual relationship tend to be involved in a relationship outside their marital relationship to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere (Messripour et al., 2016). If there is a sexual dissatisfaction during the first year of married life, it makes them vulnerable to infidelity.

However, having an affair which is done by women usually lead to emotional infidelity, while men lead to sexual infidelity.

  1. Unhappy with Their Spouse

According to the results of research by Scheeren et al., (2018) the reason women have an affair is because women are not happy with their spouses. Women are made to feel attractive by their cheating partners. It is able to be associated with the women’s needs which are not fulfilled well by their partners. It is also associated with women who tend to have an affair emotionally so that they look for other men to fulfill the need.

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